Liferay Theme Development

Liferay Theme Development

Official Liferay Partner

liferay service silver partner

Official Liferay Partner

liferay service silver partner


The look and feel of the website page are necessary things in the Liferay Portal development nowadays. Our team consists of professional Liferay Theme developers who work for making responsive Liferay Themes that can be applied on all the pages of the website. We also provide core theme development services like page layouts, page templates with Velocity / FreeMarker (Java-based template engines), widget templates, Asset Publisher with custom display styles, custom navigation through site pages with the navigation bar, site pages with better page speed, version upgrade of Liferay Theme, embed custom web contents and portlets in Liferay Theme, etc.

PSD/HTML to Liferay Theme
We provide Liferay theme development services from Ideas to PSD/HTML to Liferay themes. Get the best theme development and customization services for all versions of Liferay.
Custom ADTs
Get the best-looking custom ADT for Liferay asset publishers, blogs, and other portlets for dynamic content rendering on Liferay site pages.
Responsive and Cross-Browser Compatible Liferay Theme Development
We build the Liferay themes with a mobile-first or device-first approach which best fits business needs. We cover the maximum browser and view compatible with the Liferay theme solution.
Web Content, Structure and Template Generalization for Multiple Themes
We create custom web content using structures and templates which can be used multiple times with different content to offer simple administration for easier management and operation.
Liferay Page Fragments and Page Layouts
Rich and easy content creation with Page Fragments in Liferay. New layout templates for customer formation of page rows and columns.
Liferay Theme Upgrade
Get your Liferay Theme upgraded from older Liferay versions to newer versions by adapting the latest build and packaging changes.
Site Initializer
Site Initializer is a powerful tool that Liferay provides to create a set of templates for sites and pages. It covers site pages, page templates, layout templates, fragments, web content, looks and feels, logo, assets, and portlet configurations for Liferay sites.
Custom Theme Configuration
Get the dynamic configuration options with the Liferay theme. Such dynamic configuration can be pretty handy to manage generic sections of theme for different environments and sites like headers, footers, content generation conditions, etc.
W3C & Accessibility Standards
We help you to get the maximum W3C rating for web standardization. We also help to achieve the accessibility standards like W3C WAI, WCAG, etc. for the Liferay theme.
Google Page Speed Insights
Our theme development standards help you to get a higher ranking on google page insight that helps in SEO.

Our Recent Developed Themes

What challenges ARE you facing? Let’s solve it together.



WhyChoose us?

Looking for a development partner for your Liferay Theme implementation and development needs? Want to expand your theme development team’s skill sets with cutting-edge technical expertise? Here’s how we can help you;

  • App Prototyping and POC delivery: Convert your ideas into prototypes and Proof-of-Concept to create a Minimal Viable Product with Liferay DXP.
  • Theme Development Capability: We are a one-stop-shop with all-round technical abilities in the area of theme development, clean & valid CSS including SCSS, error-free Velocity(VM)/FreeMarker(FTL), valid and SEO-friendly HTML, Application Display Template(ADT), responsive themes with seamless UI experience, etc. for different versions of Liferay.
  • Support and Maintenance: 24×7 support and maintenance services with annual maintenance contracts and customized support solutions.
  • Upgrade and Migration Services: Re-engineer, upgrade your Liferay themes to make sure you are always updated to the latest designs and technologies.
  • Efficient Communication: We use the latest communication technologies in real-time manners so our clients can access us any time and from anywhere despite the time zone differences.
Surekhatech @ Liferay Marketplace

Client Testimonials

Establishing a relationship with CBMS Technologies is the best way to get a headstart on taking care of your development needs. Over the years, we have worked with clients in multiple countries, including & not limited to the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy & India. We have the flexibility to adjust to your design and development processes while delivering quality work in a timely manner.



Yes, we provide Liferay theme and customization with attractive UI/UX for all versions of Liferay with PSD.
There are so many things comes under performance tuning such as: We have certified developer that are capable of providing Liferay services that help you to generate ROI. Our developers can also help you with the customization of theme as per the requirement of the client.