To get our apps/themes at attractive rate including free support email us at : [email protected]
To get our apps/themes at attractive rate including free support email us at : [email protected]
Digital Agency Website
Digital Agency Website
Document And Media portlet is a single page application developed by CBMS Technologies by using AngularJS with the goal to speed up document and media management in Liferay portal.
Social Login plugin for Liferay 7/DXP enables you to login using LinkedIn, Github, Twitter and Microsoft accounts. These login options are shown at the bottom of the Liferay login screen.
Performance booster hook plugin is developed using Ehcache which accelerates enterprise portal experience to the next level.
Social Feeds Mashup Portlet retrieves feeds from different social networking sites and displays them together on portal. It lets user interact with various social platform updates through single place.
Venus Theme is a stylish, elegant and responsive Liferay 7/DXP theme containig various sections like Home, About Us, Service, Contact Us, Portfolio, Our Team, Typography, Form Elements, Tables etc.