Liferay DXP Portal Solution for eCommerce Business

Liferay DXP Portal Solution for eCommerce Business

Liferay DXP Portal Solution for eCommerce Business

Liferay DXP Portal Solution for eCommerce Business
Technologies :
  • Liferay

Description :

In this project the client was looking for a user interface where the part of the vehicle should be allotted properly with year, model and engine VIN number. After evaluating the customer needs we provided a Liferay DXP solution with Commerce that helps them to manage vehicle parts, easily categorize each part into a common group and attach multimedia images for product classification and marketing.

Business Needs / Challenges:

  • The client was looking to provide vehicle parts data based on the vehicle selected by providing Year, Make, Model and Engine (YMME) or VIN number.
  • The list of compatible parts and notes of those parts is fetched by some third party api.
  • Persist all the parts details and use it from there in future to reduce third party api calls.
  • Should persist vehicle YMME/VIN details searched by the user for future reference.
  • Users should be able to get compatible vehicle parts if any vehicle is selected.
  • While visiting any vehicle parts, provide “Related Vehicle Parts” and “Premium Vehicle Parts” details.
  • Users should be able to find out nearby service centers of the client.


  • CBMS Technologies’ team has coordinated with the client’s Business and Marketing team and prepared the road-map and architectural design for the solution based on Liferay DXP and Commerce.
  • Easy to manage vehicle parts as product and maintain in Liferay Commerce module.
  • Categorize each part and mapped them into a common group.
  • Attach catalogues and other multimedia (image, youtube videos) details into the part/product and use it for marketing purposes wherever needed.
  • Liferay’s caching mechanism to persist parts details and use it for future references.

Key Features:

  • UI/UX design as per corporate standards.
  • Following WCGA and ADA compliances on ui development.
  • Liferay Commerce and DXP theme.
  • Customized image gallery with 360 view of the image.
  • Listing of parts in List and Tile view.
  • Comparison between different parts, upto max 3 parts.