CBMS Employee Advance

CBMS Employee Advance

Paper-free employee advance process 

  • Take all steps in the software system – reducing paperwork.
  • Managers can approve employee advance requests at any time just via internet connection.
  • Accurate and consistent data throughout the system.

Quy trình kế toán tạm ứng không giấy tờ

Keep track of all employee advance requests 

  • Manage all employee advance requests in one view

  • Available and customizable filters to classify requests by departments, employees or status, etc. help easily control expenses, make payment, and reconcile.

Quản lý Tạm ứng nhân viên

Automatic and accurate accounting 

  • No paper notes or manual entry in Excel. 

  • Automatically post all journal entries in payment, reconciliation and reimbursement quickly and accurately.

Hạch toán tạm ứng tự động và chính xác - Phần mềm kế toán tạm ứng CBMS

Easy reconciliation 

  • Gather all journal entries related to requestors in reconciliation view

  • Suggest for better choice of entries for reconciliation and reimbursement.

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Đối soát tạm ứng - Phần mềm kế toán tạm ứng CBMS

Employee advance report 

  • Automatically analyze data of employees’ account payable, account receivable. Exportable reports in Excel format.

  • Intuitively and vividly display reports created from many available criteria. Various report types: Pivot table view, line chart, pie chart, bar chart.

Thống kê tạm ứng - Phần mềm kế toán tạm ứng CBMS

Fully integrated with other CBMS applications



Automate accounting, closely track revenue – cost – profit and create finance report adhering to Vietnamese Accounting Standards. 

ung-dung-quan-ly-nhan-su Employees

Manage employee documents, employee contracts by Employees application.. 

Discover Employees Application   




Manage and track daily incurred cost by Expenses application.

Discover Expenses application  

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CBMS Total Solution  

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