Analytic Accounting | Odoo Accounting – CBMS Odoo ERP

Analytic Accounting | Odoo Accounting – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Learn everything you need to grow your business with Odoo, the best management software to run a company at

In this video, learn how to analyze costs and revenue for any use case with analytic accounting.

Other lessons related to this video:
– Accounting Overview:
– Reports and Financial Statements:
– Using Timesheets:

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  1. avatar
    @sambe5 says:

    I beleive there is a mistake when the analytic accounts where added at the creation of the analytic tag, the percentage was above 100% so it suplicates the expense.

  2. avatar
    @erpexpert says:

    Cool, so Analytical Accounts are the equivalent of Dimensions in other software, and Analytical Tags are the Dimension Distributions. What about multi-dimensional accounting? Does odoo support that? For example, when we R&D a new product, the Cost Centre is "R&D Department" and Product is "Product A" and when we sell that product, the Cost Centre is "Sales Department" and the Product dimension is again "Product A". Now I can easily see if I have made a gain or loss on Product A and if so, which department contributed most to this gain/loss.

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