Odoo 15 POS is up with a new feature to limit the loading of partners and products when opening a session. This feature is really helpful as it speeds up opening a session with necessary data.
Go to your POS Settings
To limit the number of customers at the opening of the PoS enable ‘Limited Partners Loading’ and set the number of Partners Loaded.
To limit loading products at the opening of the PoS enable ‘Limited Products Loading’ and set the number of Products Loaded.
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#speedupodoo #speedupodoopos #odoopos #numberofproductspos #productloadingpos #partnerloadingpos
How to limit the number of products in odoo pos
How to limit the number of partners in odoo pos
How to speed up odoo pos
How to set a limit for products in odoo pos
How to set a limit for customers in odoo pos
How to set a limit for a partner in odoo pos
#POS #Quick #Loading #Limit #Partners #Loading #Products #Loading #Odoo #Pos