How to Add Translation for Custom Module in Odoo 15 | Adding Translation | Internationalization – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video, we are discussing how to add translation in a custom module and its use cases in Odoo development. #odoointernationalization Odoo is one of the best ERPs available with advanced translation tools. The language translation in Odoo is a feature to translate words, labels, and strings in our required language. i.e.; with Odoo […]

date_utils in Odoo 15 | Date_utils Odoo Tools | Odoo 15 Technical Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video we are discussing date_utils in Odoo 15, trying out a few sets of functions among the package Date_utils provides a powerful extension to the standard DateTime module. #odootechnicalvideos This is used for getting ranges and references to different time periods, computing relative deltas (next month, next year, next Monday, last week of […]

Wizards – Defining and Launching in Odoo 15 | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

This video explains about the Wizards: Defining and Launching in Odoo. Wizards describe interactive sessions with the user (or dialog boxes) through dynamic forms. #odoowizards A wizard is simply a model that extends the class Transient Model instead of Model. Wizard records are not meant to be persistent; they are automatically deleted from the database […]

Model Constraints & Python Constraints in Odoo15 | api.constrains() | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo helps you to set validations to recordsets with the help of python and model constraints. Mainly there are two ways in which constraints can be set to variants in Odoo. They are python and SQL constraints. #odoo15developmentvideos Basically python constraints are set in odoo using the class decorator api.constrains() which takes in the field […]

How to Define Kanban View in Odoo15 | Advanced Views | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo supports several views such as tree view, list view, kanban view, cohort view, pivot view, calendar view offering different styles of data representation. #odoo15kanbanview In addition, this helps the businesses at large, offering complete visibility of their operations, thereby smarter business decisions. #odoo15development In this video, we are discussing how to create a kanban […]

How to Define a Gantt View in Odoo15 | Advanced Views | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video, we will discuss How to create a Gantt View in odoo 15 and its use cases in odoo development. #odoo15ganttview In the early scenario, the business sector faced many challenges with respect to its project management or task management. #odoo15developmentvideos The people involved in the task- like Project Managers, Team Leaders, Operation […]

How to Define a Search View in Odoo15 | Advanced Views in Odoo | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video, we are discussing How to define a search View in odoo15 and its use cases in odoo development. #searchviewinodoo Odoo’s search view is perhaps the most popular. It helps you to easily search, filter, or group data based on a condition to get the information you need. #odoodevelopment We will develop a […]

Tree View Decoration Attribute in Odoo 15 | Advanced Views | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo sometimes we may need to differentiate records based on some factors. We have seen the feature in some modules, for instance, in the list view, the records are separated with different colors. #odoo15development Furthermore, based on the conditions the records are displayed in different colors. Therefore, it becomes highly helpful to find and […]

How to Use Constraint and SQL Constraint? | Model Constraints & SQL Constraints in Odoo 15 – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo provided constraints with which we can add validations to Odoo models. Basically, Odoo provides two ways to apply constraints, namely python constraints, and SQL constraints. In this video, we’ll be discussing what are SQL constraints in odoo, how we can apply them to our models, and different methods used in SQL constraints. Video Chapters […]