In this video, we are discussing the difference between the search() and browse() function in odoo15.
The browse() method is used to return a set of records for the IDs passed as the parameter in the current working model.
Video Contents
00:10 Introduction
00:40 Difference Between Search and Browse
This method accepts a set of IDs and returns the record sets corresponding to that IDs.Syntax: Model.browse([ids]) ? records .
The search() method is used to search records within the given model based on the search domain passed as the argument.
This method accepts a search domain to check for matching conditions inside the model and returns the recordsets.Syntax:[, offset=0][, limit=None][, order=None][, count=False]) -records
If no argument is provided as the search domain, all the records are matched and returned. #odootechnicaltutorials
The offset defines the number of records to be ignored, the limit defines the maximum number of records to be returned, the order defines the sort string, and the count is set as true only returns the count of records matching the domain condition. #odoo15videos
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