Maintaining your Equipments Using Odoo 16 Maintenance App | Odoo 16 Functional Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

Maintaining your Equipments Using Odoo 16 Maintenance App | Odoo 16 Functional Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Ensuring proper equipment management is an integral part of business management. It is often hard to have a complete overview of all of the requirements and machinery in a company. #odoo16

It is essential to manage them and view the equipment individually to ensure maximum efficiency of the pieces of machinery.  Keeping your equipment updated and adequately managed ensures steady growth in productivity.

The Maintenance module of Odoo is a highly efficient application of Odoo that can help you to efficiently manage and overview all of your machinery quickly without any difficulties or equipment clutter.

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  1. avatar
    @ahmadraihan9922 says:

    How to make the maintanance if it need spare part for the process, so it will trigger transfer (pick component) from our warehouse?
    And when we neet a tools for the maintanance process, after we pick it and the maintanance process is done, the tools will be sent back to our warehouse?

  2. avatar
    @AymanMamdouh says:

    Question: If I am working on Odoo 17 and have various tools, grease, and oils used for maintenance, how can I manage the usage of these items from the maintenance module? For instance, if 12 kg of oil was issued and 2 kg was returned, or if a sanding machine was issued and then returned, how can I adjust this movement so that it is accurately reflected in the inventory to keep the stock balance correct?

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