Integration of the Marketing Modules in Odoo 15 ERP

Integration of the Marketing Modules in Odoo 15 ERP

7 minutes, 39 seconds Read

Odoo is Equipped with many advanced marketing modules and highly advanced tools supporting them. Marketing is not an easy task, and in fact, it is one of the most crucial departments in a business that can generate leads and customers for the company. A company’s marketing strategies define the nature and the efficacy of the company. But most of the time, companies or industries find it hard to stay right on top with their marketing strategies. Unnecessary confusion in marketing management and weak marketing strategies are often the cause.

This blog will give you a detailed note on the integration of the Marketing modules in Odoo.

The Odoo marketing modules can be considered the best in business for efficient marketing management. The highly advanced modules and the tools supporting them makes it easy for the users or the companies to plan, strategize and publicize their marketing effortlessly.

There are multiple marketing modules in Odoo, Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, SMS Marketing, Social marketing, Events, and Surveys. Each of these modules has its functions and specialized features for your marketing needs.

Marketing automation

The Marketing automation module of Odoo is one of the most advanced automated marketing systems in the ERP world. The Marketing automation module of Odoo is equipped with the most sophisticated tools and features. It is also highly integrated with your Odoo database, allowing you to manage and overview them effortlessly.

The Marketing automation module of Odoo is an automated marketing system that will let you manage all of the marketing procedures effortlessly with its highly automated marketing procedures.

The marketing automation module will let you manage and nurture the leads generated from the CRM module. The merge between the CRM and Marketing automation module is crucial for Lead management. The Marketing automation module will let you send all of your marketing updates to the leads to turn them into possible future customers. The sales and marketing teams can work hand in hand on all of the procedures through the CRM and marketing modules to generate, nurture, and maintain leads.


The above-given image represents the dashboard of the Marketing automation. The Marketing automation module will let you create and manage more marketing campaigns effortlessly and simultaneously. Clicking on the CREATE button from the module’s dashboard will let you create new marketing campaigns for the company.

A configuration page to create the news Campaign will open up, as shown in the image given below.


To know more check here configurations and the usage of the module.

As mentioned earlier, the module is highly integrated with the other marketing and sales modules of Odoo. The integration of the modules helps in effortless data management and accessibility. As the Marketing operations require more accessibility to your Odo system, the Marketing Automation module will let you manage the entire marketing procedure effortlessly.

Integrating the sales and the CRM module will let you access the leads directly from the Marketing automation module. You will be able to add them to your marketing campaigns under the Target field on the Campaigns configuration page, as shown in the image given below.


You can choose from the drop-down list to apply the campaign’s target. You will have access to all customers registered under each category, as shown in the image given above. You can filter the selected category by clicking on the ADD FILTER button.

The created campaigns with their live updates will be displayed on the module’s dashboard, as shown in the image given below.


You will get the live updates of the entire campaigning process from this space under the Total, Running, and Completed sections, as highlighted in the image given above. You can click o them to get a detailed analysis of the campaigns.


You can view the Campaign’s details, including the number of clicks the Campaign got. The highly integrated nature of the module lets you have a detailed analysis of all of your campaigns in real-time. You can create multiple campaigns and manage them all simultaneously without any clutter with the help of the Marketing automation module.

SMS Marketing

The SMS marketing module is an advanced SMS-based marketing system or application for SMS marketing and management. The module is highly integrated with Odoo for maximum efficiency. The module’s integration helps it gain unlimited access to the customer or the leads list for sending the marketing information.


You can instantly create and send SMS marketing alerts to your customers with the SMS Marketing module. The CREATE button from the configuration tab will lead you to the configuration page for creating new SMS marketing messages, as shown below.


The highly integrated nature of the module will let you have access to all of your customer contacts and other mailing details for sending the messages at the scheduled time. You can access and add the customers or the leads category from the Recipients field, as shown in the image given below.


The SCHEDULE button on the configuration page will let you schedule the time for sending the message to the selected customer categories.

To know more about the configurations and the advanced features of the SMS marketing module

The module is integrated with the other marketing and non-marketing modules in Odoo for efficient data management. The module will let you type in your messages for sending to the customer. The module is highly impassive and will let you automate the SMS process for particular season offers or festive offers allowing you to earn more leads and customers. 

The SMS and Email marketing modules of Odoo are highly integrated for sharing the customer contacts or the Mailing lists. Mailing lists can be found in the dashboard of the SMS and Email marketing module, as shown in the image given below.


It will take you to the Mailing list or the Mailing contacts, as shown below.


The above-given image shows the mailing list, and the image given below shows the mailing list contacts.


Similar to the SMS module, you can access both the Malinoing lists and the Mailing list contacts from the Email marketing module, as shown in the image below.


For both modules, you can create, add and manage new contacts and emailing details by clicking on the CREATE button from the mailing lists page, and a configuration page will open up to include the new Contact Email and contacts details.

To learn more about mailing lists

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most modern formats of marketing strategies which took a quick form because of its efficiency and graphic nature in communicating with the customers and leads. The email marketing module of Odoo is an advanced, feature-rich application that will let you manage and send marketing emails effortlessly and efficiently.


You can instantly create and manage Emails from the module’s dashboard by clicking on the CREATE button, and a configuration page will open up, as shown below. 


As mentioned earlier, you will have access to all of your mailing contacts to send the emails.

Social Marketing

Social marketing is taking over the marketing world with the growth of Social media. The Social marketing module of Odoo will let you directly integrate your official company social media accounts to Odoo to publish the Marketing posts. You can merge multiple social media platforms to Odoo and manage them simultaneously. The ADD & STREAM button to add a new social media stream to your Odoo database.


A window with popular social media platforms will open up as shown below.


You can click on any of the platforms to integrate with your database. 

The marketing automation module is highly integrated with the Social marketing module to give the module direct access to the created marketing campaigns. You can access all marketing campaigns directly from the module’s dashboard by going to the  Campaigns tab.


Click on the tab and you will be taken to all of your marketing campaigns as shown below.


Much like the other marketing modules, you can instantly create and launch campaigns from this page by clicking on the CREATE button. As shown in the image below, a configuration tab will open up to create the new campaign.


You can type in the details and click on the ADD button to add the campaign. Similarly, you can create and manage multiple campaigns and manage them simultaneously. All of the updated details of the campaigns with their live data will be displayed on this page.

The Visitors tab of the module will let you have access to all of the visitor information on your campaigns, as shown below.


The visitor’s page will update the leads that have visited your website through your marketing links and the options to contact them directly. The sales team can use this to strengthen the lead management and improve the chances of generating future customers and clients. 

To know more about the advanced features and tools of the Odoo 15 Social marketing module.

The Marketing modules of Odoo are an advanced solution for efficient marketing management. The marketing modules of odoo work hand in hand with its highly integrated nature and the integration with the other modules in Odoo. All marketing modules are highly integrated with all of the essential sales modules in Odoo for easy data management and accessibility.

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