Personalize Your Business Applications in Different Views – Odoo 15 Studio

Every enterprise requires a business application with configurable and customizable properties, which is highly feasible. The automobile industry, hospitality, and restaurant industries have developed customized planning for their products. People also approach these inventions and have accepted these strategies or methodologies in different business sectors. Most business vendors provide new digitalized and custom software in […]

Payment Acquirers in Odoo 13

In the end, a company is dependent on its revenue generation or return on investment. Purely implying that a business relies entirely on the financial transactions that exist within it. Thus in exchange for the products/services they provide to their customers, every enterprise earns money. The transfers are made much easier and faster in Odoo […]

Packages in Odoo v12

In Odoo there are different entities in packages which we always become confused. Let’s discuss it today. As of in the industry, a package means something that we put together as a pack. In the concept of the package itself, there are three types of packaging in Odoo. First is that we can set a […]

Payment Acquirers in Odoo 11

A business is ultimately dependent on its income generation or investment return Purely saying, a business solely depends on the monetary transactions happening within. Every business collects money from its customers in return for the products/services they offer. In Odoo Enterprise, the transactions are made easier and quicker via some built-in Payment Acquirers. This blog […]