1. Odoo inventory management is a resourceful module which can be utilized by any business organization irrespective of their size and complexity. Odoo inventory is crafted by fully integrating with other applications like Purchase and Sale for more efficiency. Is also integrated with e-Commerce, Manufacturing and Repairs applications for better management service.
2. Right from preparing the delivery order in simple steps, later controlling and managing the incoming shipments, Odoo inventory proves its efficiency. Odoo inventory management modules take care of all activities like preparing the inventory counts, multiple location management, barcode-based packing, efficient scrap management, stock transfer option etc.
3. With Odoo, the related data like sale, purchase, accounting or manufacturing are placed under one single roof. Therefore warehouse users can count all related inventory details and further inserts them timely for right action. This, in turn, helps the business to track the performance of an employee, thereby give an appraisal or warning depending on their performance.
4. With an Odoo inventory, one can also initiate advanced routing support operations like Drop-shipping, where the delivery of products to the customers are straight from the supplier, Cross-Docking where the incoming material is directly transferred to outbound gates with little to no storage in between.
5. Within the movement of stock, Odoo inventory comes with features like FIFO and LIFO defining the removal strategies within the stock inventory.
6. Pick – Pack – Ship, feature in Odoo inventory Design the order process flow and delivery to customers in one step or several steps: picking, packing, and shipping.
7. The multi-warehouse management facility in Odoo inventory manages all the warehouses with the same system and define replenishment rules between warehouses. The Push & Pull Routes, design your own product routes to automate transfer orders between warehouses or locations.
8. Tracking your product inside and outside the inventory is a challenging task. But Odoo traceability features like ‘Lots Tracking’, ‘Activity Log’, ‘Serial Numbers’, ‘Perpetual valuation’ make it easier for the business industry.
9. One can also do the effective product management in Odoo. Odoo inventory supports several product types that have different behavior: physical products, consumables, services, digital products. It also enables to add as many custom fields as you want on products to handle your business needs.
10. A product will be of a different variant. With Odoo inventory management, one can define multiple level variants in just a few clicks. It creates a matrix based on colors, sizes, attributes, etc. In addition, Odoo also supports multiple units of measures and converts automatically for easy buying.