An Overview of Odoo Community Mobile

In today’s dynamic business environment, achieving success depends on staying connected and adapting. As businesses strive for efficiency and smooth operations, the importance of robust enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions is growing. One such powerful and versatile ERP platform is Odoo, and its mobile community edition brings a new era of flexibility and accessibility. In […]

How to Generate XLSX Report Using Controller in Odoo 17

When managing financial or accounting aspects of business activities, Excel reports stand out for their simplicity and user-friendly nature. They provide users with a straightforward method to analyze content, facilitating informed  decision-making based on the presented data. In this blog, we will explore the process of generating an XLSX report using a controller in Odoo, […]

What are Intrusion Detection Systems?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) emerge as silent sentinels, diligently monitoring network activities for signs of potential threats. This brief exploration delves into the core principles and types of IDS, unveiling the essential role they play in fortifying our digital defenses against malicious intent. Join us in unraveling the intricacies […]

An Overview of Invoice & Product Margin Analysis in Odoo 17 Accounting

In the dynamic landscape of business management, staying ahead requires efficient tools that integrate seamlessly into your operations. Odoo 17 Accounting is a comprehensive solution that goes beyond traditional accounting practices, offering robust features for invoice management and product margin analysis. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of these functionalities and explore […]

How to Add a Button to the Action Button of All Form Views in Odoo 16

In Odoo, action buttons are pivotal components that allow users to trigger specific actions or workflows associated with a particular form view. These buttons, strategically placed within the user interface, streamline operations and enhance user efficiency. They can be customized to execute various tasks, such as creating records, updating information, or initiating specific processes. The […]

How to Install Odoo 17 in Windows

Odoo, the open-source business management software suite, empowers businesses with a wide range of applications for managing various aspects of their operations. While Odoo is often associated with Linux environments, installing it on Windows is a straightforward process that brings the power of this robust ERP system to Windows users. Why Odoo on Windows? While […]

An Overview of Odoo 17 Accounting Reports

Accounting reports are essential for providing insights into a business’s financial performance, stability, and decision-making. Key reports include the Income Statement (Profit and Loss Statement), Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Budget vs. Actual Reports, Aging of Accounts Receivable/Payable, Financial Ratios Analysis, Audit Reports, Management Reports (Custom Reports), and Tax Reports. * Income Statement: For the […]