Everyone stores the contact details in books or phones most of the time. The ERP system of Odoo 15 gives a Contacts module for individuals to secure the contact information inside a company or personal relations. We Purchase and Sale many materials for our daily routines, and it is easy to save these details through […]
Upselling is a marketing strategy used by many companies to sell a more expensive or profitable product. This would include more profitable margins or better pricing and sometimes even add-on products. In subscription, we attempt to upgrade the current subscription to more expensive subscriptions by adding more useful and attractive features. It would enable to […]
In the eCommerce module, Odoo offers upselling and cross-selling which are key features that maximize sales by increasing the number of products a customer purchases from your company. Rather than narrowing down the sales just to the product that customer intends to buy, the Cross-selling and upselling techniques give the customer more product options to […]
While handling a business process, it’s very essential to sell and buy products in different quantities that are convenient for consumers. Thus the concept- unit of measure arises from purchasing a product either in bulk or in fewer quantities. [wpcc-iframe loading=”lazy” width=”100%” height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/rpqgykAyoC0″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””] In odoo, one can […]
In business, handling products in different units of measure is very important. Units of measures are an indication citing the unit used to handle a particular product. One can easily configure the unit of measure in Odoo for a particular product. You can have a look at the video on Unit of Measure in Odoo 13 […]
An important task of any business is to maintain the quantity of the products. You have to depend on different measures to sell or buy products. This will help the industry to meet the requirements of different customers. This makes the concept- unit of measure an important factor for purchase and sale. A product can […]
The coronavirus has hit the world so hard that it has destroyed the way people function and operate in their personal as well as in their work life. With the social distancing measures as well as the self-sanitization strategies being adopted by individuals, organizations, and governmental bodies it has now been developed as the new […]
As the internet has brought an unleashed digitalized view to everyone, most people have moved into a technophile state. Compared to the last ten years, most rental markets have been drastically changed; the rental things that used to be rented out are now available in every household. Most rental entrepreneurs want to ease their working […]
In this blog, we are going to know about the different types of actions in odoo 13. Actions are done by the users and the system gives some response based on user action, these responses are actually known as actions. There are a number of actions in Odoo13 1) Server Actions (ir.actions.server) 2) Window Actions […]
There are different types of views in Odoo, such as form view, list view, pivot view, etc. The graph view is a type of view in Odoo in which the data will be arranged and shown as a graph, which can be easily understood by the users. The graph view is a visual representation of […]