Subscription Reports in Odoo 13

Subscription Reports in Odoo 13

Reports are an important source of information for any company. It would showcase the statistical data of the operation of the company, which would be depicted in clear cut numerical data for the executives, owners, and investors. Reports have been part and parcel of every company from the earlier stages of development, these became much more representative in the turn over of business into the corporate era. Furthermore, the reports and statistical analysis became the founding platform for analyzing and performing various operations of the business.

In the modernization era, business organizations sought the need to automate the management of the companies rather than running the business in the existing form. This showed the rise of Enterprise Resource Planning software(ERPs), which could automate the operation of the business operations. With the use of these ERPs, the executives of the company were able to control, manage, and monitor the operations at various stages. There was software that operated in multiple and singular platforms running a business from various approaches and methodologies.

Odoo is one of the best ERP nowadays has achieved the best status from its users and customers. Since Odoo operates on a single platform all the operations of the business can be controlled from the same system. Additionally, the Odoo platform is considered the most advantageous ERP software, due to the customizability feature available. The platform can be designed and adapted as per the business needs. Moreover, as the Odoo platform allows the users with various options to configure the existing systems and methodologies its been considered as the most economical one among other ERPs.

Also Read: How To Use Odoo Subscription Module

This blog will describe how the various subscription reports have been generated in Odoo such as

Retention analysis,

Subscription analysis,

Revenue KPIs and 

Salesperson Dashboard

Retention analysis

Tracing the activity of new users is always helpful to the company to improve and analyses the product based on the new users. Additionally, it allows users to generate reports on how many new customers came back to the company for their next purchase. In case of subscription, the new customers subscribed to the services and products choose the company again on their renewal of the subscription. It helps the user to determine a new customer determination matrix which provides the user with data analytics of the customers. The reporting functionality in Odoo can be filtered based on various default measuring options available. In addition, the filtering and sorting the data with the various options available also helps the users to obtain reports on the desired time format, product, customer, etc.


Subscription analysis

This reporting functionality in Odoo for the subscription module helps the users to generate the analysis report of the various subscription products. The reports can be measured and displayed under various attributes such as salesperson, product, year, end date, start date, etc. The users in Odoo are also provided with the functionality to perform filtering, group by, and sorting based on time ranges to obtain the desired reports. The favorites option helps to save the group by and filtered reports for further references. These reports will be of much help to the user for generating annual reports, monthly or weekly data of the various subscription products and services provided by the company.


Revenue KPIs

KPI is the predetermined value on which the company is measured upon determining the growth and productivity achieved by the company in a distinctive period. It provides the users of Odoo with the descriptive details on the growth of the company on various aspects of subscription operations. This reporting functionality in Odoo helps the users to Obtain reports based on functionality helping them to narrow down to the most critical ones.


The various filtering provisions available to the users can allow the user to filter the functional reports based on subscription, companies, and sales teams. The filtering can also be initiated based on the dates and the time interval for a specified duration.


Salesperson Dashboard

The salesperson dashboard functionality in the reporting menu of the subscription module Odoo helps users to derive the report based on the various subscription services which have been sold out with respect to the salespersons. The filtering function in the reporting menu helps the users to filter out the data based on the salesperson and the time period based on the need of the user.


The reporting functionality in the Odoos subscription module helps the user to derive and showcase reports based on various aspects of the company operation. This functionality will be of much help to any magazine, newspaper, or a service providing company such as hospitality services or other maintenance and operational services.

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