Product Variants – Applying & Customizing | Odoo Sales – CBMS Odoo ERP

Product Variants – Applying & Customizing | Odoo Sales – CBMS Odoo ERP

0 minutes, 30 seconds Read

In this video, learn how to use the product variants to create different versions of a single product. 

Introduction: 00:00 – 00:40
Related Products: 00:41 – 02:00
Adding Attribute Values to Product : 02:01 – 03:38
Attribute Configurations on Product Detail Form (Value Price Extra): 03:39 – 06:49
How Variants Look (Front-End): 06:50 – 07:32
How Variants Look (Back-End): 07:33 – 08:09
Conclusion: 08:10 – 08:37

Other lessons related to this video: 

Sales Basics and Your First Quotation:
Product Variants – Set-Up:
Pricelists – Multiple

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#Product #Variants #Applying #Customizing #Odoo #Sales

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  1. avatar
    @mattelite9806 says:

    Why can we not have the option of simply personalizing every sale price. I can upload a excel template that allows me to personalize the Product ID, Product Cost, but not the selling price. Why do I need to do this +$ from one single base price. We do not all sale purple t-shirts and desks with aluminum legs as an up-charge. I have a single product with 830 varient options, each product has a different cost, so therefor each product has a different selling price. I managed to upload an excel template with all the possible variants as a select menu, I managed to upload all the different costs, I manage to personalise each product id (called SKU for the rest of the world) but I am unable to upload different selling price. Even my excel list has all 830 different selling price. Oddo insist on taking one of the price and applying to all products. Odoo insist on this base price and manually add an up charge per variants option. Well…the world is not all about an extra 5 dollars on a single variant of a t-shirt. Why lock your clients into this format since ALL, and i mean ALL other platforms allow you to do that. It makes no sense, and there are hundreds of Odoo clients asking about this on forums for many years. Why continue in this direction? Unlock that function or allow us to choose how we want to do it.

  2. avatar
    @factor4423 says:

    Instead of adding a fixed price in "Value Price Extra" to make a variant more expensive… I was wondering if we could instead also use user defined percentages as modifier for price increases or as a Discount on any of our product variants.

    We for example sell trading card games… Each of these unique cards are to be considered a product and they will have their own prices. For us the condition of the card is important as a modifier for it's value/price and thus is used as a product variant. So a Near Mint card is the default and would have it's price at 100% and a Slightly Played card would be for example on 90% of that price and a Moderately Played card would require an 80% price compared to the default.

    Is this possible with Odoo? It's really important for us to have this functionality.

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