How to Manage Purchase Order Approval in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Purchase App – CBMS Odoo ERP

How to Manage Purchase Order Approval in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Purchase App – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Purchase order (PO) approval is a system of checks and balances within a company to ensure responsible spending before a purchase is made. 

Here’s the basic idea:
A department requests to buy something (goods or services) and creates a PO.

The PO gets routed to authorized personnel for review. These reviewers might be department managers, procurement specialists, or even executives, depending on the company’s setup and the amount being spent.

They check things like budget availability, adherence to company spending policies, and whether competitive pricing was obtained.

If everything looks good, they approve the PO. If not, it gets sent back for revisions or rejected.
This approval process safeguards the company’s finances in a few ways:

Stays within budget: By requiring approval, companies can ensure they aren’t exceeding their allocated spending limits.

Smart spending: Approvers can verify if there’s a legitimate need for the purchase and if a better price can be found elsewhere.

Compliance: The process ensures purchases follow company procurement policies and avoid maverick buying (unauthorized purchases).

Effective purchase order (PO) approval is crucial for any organization. It ensures responsible spending, avoids maverick buying, and streamlines the procurement process. Here’s how you can manage your purchase order approval process:

Define an approval workflow:
Establish a clear hierarchy of who needs to approve POs based on purchase amount, type of good/service, or department.
This could involve department heads, managers, or the procurement team.
Implement a system:

Consider using procurement software or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to automate the PO creation and approval process.
This allows for easy routing, tracking, and record-keeping of POs.
Set approval limits:

Determine spending thresholds for each approval level.
POs below a certain amount can get fast-tracked, while higher amounts require additional approvals.
Standardize procedures:

Create a clear and consistent format for POs, including necessary details like item description, quantity, unit price, and vendor information.
Ensure all requisitions are properly documented with justifications for the purchase.
Communicate effectively:

Keep all stakeholders informed about the PO approval process and their roles within it.
This can be done through training manuals, internal wikis, or company-wide communication channels.
Monitor and audit:

Regularly review your PO approval process for efficiency and effectiveness.
Conduct audits to ensure compliance with company policies and identify any potential areas for improvement.

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