This video gives an overview of the recruitment module. Recruitment is the primary process for the substantial growth of a business. #odootutorials
It is done through constant follow-ups and proper strategic methods. Without software, it implies complexity, and some errors will occur due to its chaotic tactics. #odoo16
Video Chapters
00:00 Introduction to #odoohr
00:50 Job Position Views
01:07 Create Job Position
02:41 Preview of Interview Form
03:06 Application for Job
04:07 Generate Offer
04:15 Create Employee
04:38 Applications After Hiring
05:01 Refuse
05:10 Applications Menu
05:49 Reporting
07:39 Configuration
09:33 Settings
Odoo HR plays a significant role in placing your overall recruitment process dexterously. #odoohr
Odoo’s Recruitment module collects the application from legion sources, maintains, collects, and systematically chooses the candidate.
#Odoo #Recruitment #Module #Customize #Recruitment #Process