How to Unbuild a Product in odoo 13 Manufacturing? – CBMS Odoo ERP

How to Unbuild a Product in odoo 13 Manufacturing? – CBMS Odoo ERP

Unbuild a Product in Odoo Manufacturing

Utilizing the Odoo Manufacturing Module, the end-user can seamlessly unbuild the products. One can unbuild the products that are built by themselves or can unbuild the products that are received.

Let us take the primary case, where you are manufacturing items by yourself. In case, that one of your products shows some imperfection/defect, you may need to unbuild it as opposed to rejecting it totally, enabling you to reuse a few components of the product.

In the second case, you are purchasing products for the sole purpose of unbuilding them and reusing them.

How to Unbuild Order?


Manufacturing-Operations-Unbuild Orders-Create

While creating a new one, select the manufacturing order if you are into unbuilding something you manufactured. And select only the product if you are into unbuilding something you received.

One done, click the UNBUILD button.

In case unbuilding the product manufactured before, the user gets back the components from MO in stock. However, unbuilding a product that received, the user gets the components from BoM in stock.

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