Quality Management in odoo 13 Manufacturing – CBMS Odoo ERP

Quality Management in odoo 13 Manufacturing – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Quality Management in Odoo 13 Manufacturing

In a business, it is necessary that you provide your customers with good quality products. In order to offer good quality products, the business has to conduct several quality checks, prior to bringing the final. The products must be evaluated in different stages so as to assure its standard compliance. This concept is more relevant to the manufacturing business, as the industry is involved in the production process. Utilizing Odoo, one can set quality checks at different stages in different ways.

For that install Quality module.

The first view of the quality module is a Quality Overview; it is a Kanban view of the Quality Teams.

If a company has multiple teams for quality check, Odoo allows creating multiple quality teams. From the Overview, the user can analyze the overall status and the work progress of each quality team.

If a company has multiple teams for quality checks, Odoo allows creating multiple quality teams.

In order to create a new Quality Team, go to

Quality – Configuration – Quality Teams – Create

Here, you would find three fields –Name, Email Alias and Company. Upon entering them, click on the SAVE button to mark changes.

Under quality control points, the user can define when the product has to be checked, how it should be checked and what to be checked. In order to set control points, go to

Quality – Quality Control – Control Points

Upon clicking the CREATE button you can create a new CONTROL POINT.

The above is the create the form of the control points. The form includes:

Title: Title for the control point.
Product: Choose the product for which quality has to be checked.
Product Variant: If the product has multiple variants, choose one variant.
Operation: Operation denotes to the time of quality check.

There are mainly 3 types of operations.

Receipts: When a product receive to business (which means receives purchase order)
Delivery Orders: At the time of delivering a product (which means delivery of a sales order)
Manufacturing: Quality check at the time of manufacturing.

NOTE: If user is involved with multi-companies, it is embedded with 3 different other options as displayed in the picture.

Control Type: This field defines the interval of the quality check. There are three options under this:

All Operations: Quality check for every operation.
Randomly: One can set to check quality at randomly. When choosing randomly, there will be shown another field Control Frequency. Quality check can be generated on the basis of this Control Frequency.
Periodically: Quality check can be done periodically. Here we have 3 options to set an interval: Day, Week and Month.

Type: Quality will be checked on the basis of selected type. There are four options:

Team: Assign a quality check team.

Responsible: Select a user as responsible person for the quality check.


Here configured a quality control for Desk Combination at the time of delivery. Just added some instructions to understand.

Create a sales order for the corresponding item.

Click on Delivery button. In the delivery stage, one can see Quality Checks Button as Active. Click Quality Checks.

A window will pop-up with product name and instructions as mentioned earlier. Also there comes button Validate.

The status of this quality check will be in Quality Check Smart Button in the delivery order.

Quality – Quality Controls – Quality Checks

All Quality Checks will be shown here with the Status.

If a product happens to notice with damage or mistake, mark it as failed.

Upon the action, the Quality Alert button will be activated.

If a product has Lot Number/Serial Number, set them in Lot. A user can add or create tags for understanding the quality issues.

Root Cause: The reason for the occurring quality issue.
Priority: Quality Alert will be shown on the basis of priority. Alert of high priority will be shown first.
Description: Mention any description of quality issues.
Corrective Actions: Under Corrective Actions, set actions for correcting quality issues.
Preventive Actions: Preventive Actions are to take precautions against the type of quality problems.

These 3 notes display on the Quality Alerts. The Quality Team can refer to these notes and take actions based on these descriptions.

Created Quality Alerts will be shown in the overview of each Quality Team.

Quality Alerts will be shown in different stages based on the current status of the alert.

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