Odoo 13 Purchase Management Module Part 2

Odoo 13 Purchase Management Module Part 2

3 minutes, 15 seconds Read

As we have seen in part 1 of the Purchase management Module, the Odoo purchase module is integrated with many other modules like the Inventory.

Some of the Features of Purchase management

Simple & Brisk

Advanced user interface: The quick user interface is created to allow users to access the information quickly and effortlessly.

Resilient: Through enabling different features according to our needs, we can easily manage a single inventory or a dynamic multi-warehouse setting.


RFQs for vendors: It’s easy for us to manage to send RFQs to our vendors.

RFQs through mail or post: We are able to send the RFQs through mail as well as post, easily from the purchase module interface.

RFQs for multiple items: We are able to send Request for Quotations for multiple items so easily from the purchase module.

Personalizing messages: The customized message is typically more impactful. Using this function, you can easily add up and sent RfQs.

Automating the processes: The process of sending RFQs can be set as automatic which saves us time.

Managing Orders

Track RFQs and Orders: We can actually keep track of the progress of your quotes and shipments, the volume of orders and the delivery date you intend.

Manage the goods coming in: Here we are able to monitor the products receiving to our stock.

Automated orders: Based on stock levels, inventory or per manufacturer, minimum amounts per position or any other criteria, we can easily set the procurement rules to automatically order the necessary items.

Managing Invoice

Draft generating: You can effectively create invoice drafts that you can easily change or withdraw later.

Reviews future orders: You can certainly keep track of the orders produced for a future date.

Managing internal moves: You can conveniently coordinate item transfer between any two locations.

Managing Product

Product creation: Here we are able to create products and their variations. Also, we can define its price, category, type, serial or lot numbers and references to differentiate between each product.

Supplier reference: We may add the reference used by each vendor, with the aid of this function.

Product variants: Here we are able to add the variants of the products, by adding attributes like color, size and so on.

Procurement rules: Here we can set up procurement rules for the procurement of products.

Search filters: On purchase orders, we can easily search and locate the goods with the supplier reference.

Availability of products: We are able to easily monitor stock levels, tracking incoming orders and check the availability of products. 

Define the location of the storage: We can add the specific location of the product in our warehouse.

Website and PoS: Here we can add the website on which this product showcases and also we can check to avail of this product in PoS.

Accounting rules: We shall add the journals of this product, accounting rules, tax accounts and so on for this product.

Forecasting and Analysing

Dashboard: With automated reporting features, we can use predefined dashboards or can create your own.

Inventory forecasts: Provision for inventory availability forecasts, for purchase orders or production instructions as well as internal moves.


Auto reconciliation between companies: All transactions done within a company can be easily reconciled and this saves a lot of time and effort.

Multiple companies in one Odoo environment

Integrating with


Let’s discuss some of the objectives of the Purchase Management Module

Able to purchase at a minimum cost.
It helps you to stay out of ‘Stock out’ circumstances.
Vendor creation is easy.
Regulates the expenses of the firm.
Have a good rapport with the existing vendors.
Keeps records of all the updated transactions.

The list goes on.
For your company, Odoo ERP can be a one-stop solution. The Odoo ERP purchasing software is combined with inventory, invoice, accounting, etc. so that you can make the system quick and precise.

So this is an overview of the ‘Purchase management module of Odoo 13’

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