Odoo 14 Features

Odoo 14 Features

4 minutes, 59 seconds Read

Every year, Odoo comes up with new versions to help the clients. The enhancements and new applications aim to extend maximum support to the users to improve their business. User-friendly interface and more efficient and speedy management of all operations are assured by Odoo v14.
Unlike Odoo 13, where the Odoo team focused more on introducing new applications, Odoo v 14 has given more thrust to application enhancement. These improvements are sure to help all business operators in a great way.
In the blog, we can discuss the key features of Odoo v 14.
Spreadsheet Reporting
Odoo 14 has introduced a spreadsheet reporting feature that will help the user to improve the business to the next level. This feature helps inaccurate report generation.  Accuracy in the report helps the business organization to plan future programs more effectively. Spreadsheet drags data from your system and generates reports. Reports can be generated on different topics including sales revenue and purchase expenses. It will also support the user to prepare and plan the budget effectively.  The spreadsheet also eases the generation of historical reports, current performance reports, and also supports the prediction of business growth. It also helps to generate real-time updates on the performance of the business.


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Smart Date Picker
Odoo 14 has introduced a useful feature called Smart date picker. A user who wants to set a date dating back to years or a date in the future can be selected easily with this feature. The user will be able to use this feature to set the closing date of a project that happened in the past or an upcoming project. For instance, imagine that the current date is October 23, 2020. A user wants to set the closing date as October 23, 2010, then the user can just set the date by giving -10y.


Data Cleaning
Data cleaning is a new application in Odoo v 14. Get rid of clutter in your system with the new App. This app, on installation, will help the ERP to carry out the sorting process. Get all your documents and data like leads, contacts, and all other data.  It will also support the user to easily identify the duplicated data. This is done by flagging the data. The data cleaning app also helps the user to merge the duplicated data and is also possible with the new app.


Also Read: Odoo 14 Data Cleaning App

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Product configuration in POS
In the POS module, Odoo 14 has introduced product configuration features. This will help the user to configure a product quickly. The product can be categorized under the product and parent category.


Receipt by Email
Odoo 14 helps the user to send mail to the customer. All bills and receipts can be sent this way.


Ask for confirmation
Odoo 14 has introduced Ask for confirmation to avoid the return of products. This enables the user to ask for confirmation from the vendor or the retailer before product delivery.


Expense Dashboard 
A new feature, the Expense dashboard is part of the expense module of Odoo 14. Get a list of all expenses and generate expense reports with this. Organize and easily find the expense date, product, employee name, and the person who made the payment. This also supports the calculation of taxes and the total amount to be reimbursed by the company and the status of the report.


Also Read: Expense Management in Odoo 14

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Website Builder
The website tells all about a business in the internet era. Odoo 14 has enhanced the website builder with many building blocks. It supports the effective creation of a website in the minimum time.


Below given are the key features or new building blocks of website builders.
    – Charts
    – Countdowns snippet for offers 
    – Scope to introduce and prioritize features of the firm
    – Background video
    – Snippets with titles and subtitles
    – Website timeline management
    – Auto pop snippet 


Forecast support
Odoo 14 helps support forecast sales and quotation. This is sure to benefit the manufacturer to manage sales and purchase. You can forecast the purchase and sale of different products with this feature.


Purchase dashboard
Odoo 14 Purchase dashboard gives a clear view of the orders and products. Get a quick idea of the purchase orders with this app. It can help you organize purchase orders, vendor details, and purchase representative detail and manage order deadlines. It also helps the user to get a quick glance at the Request for Quotations to be sent, pending, and other details.


Watch Video:

[wpcc-iframe loading=”lazy” width=”727″ height=”409″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/cjrwxiC7SpQ” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””]

Search panel for apps
Odoo 14 has introduced a search panel for apps. Find out the submodules of applications using this support. Here, you can find the modules listed on the left-hand side. 


Improved Inventory Management Module 
Odoo 14 has introduced enhancement in the Inventory management app. It can help you find out when a new product was added to the inventory. It also helps to check the availability in the inventory by stock management. Here, there is no need to set a minimum or maximum stock level. At the same time, it will support you to efficiently manage the requirements on the basis of the statistics available.


 Watch Video:

[wpcc-iframe loading=”lazy” width=”727″ height=”409″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/odpdL5VyR38″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””]

Smiley widget
Using emojis makes communication more personal and engaging. Taking cues from social media communications, Odoo has introduced smiley widgets in v14. This can be used to send personalized messages to the vendor or buyer.


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