Delivery Packages or Put in Pack in Odoo 13. In Odoo, you have the possibility to deliver your products in different packages, depending on the volume and or weight of your products. First, you need to activate the Delivery Packages feature in the Inventory app – Configuration – Settings. Then, you can define the package […]
Having a precise inventory valuation is critical on the grounds that, it is the reported measure of the stock or the inventory that influences the expense of goods sold, the net profit, and the overall gain on the income statement. Also, the accurate inventory valuation measures the current resources, working capital, investors’ or proprietor’s equity […]
Sales pricelist in Odoo 13: For the successful and long business run, one needs to bring changes in the product price based on numerous factors such as the economic environment, competition or the increasing product demand. Correspondingly, factors such as quality, service, and uniqueness of a product also determine the product price variations. It’s quite […]
Odoo Tree Views can take supplementary attributes to further customize their behavior: decoration-{$name} allow changing the style of a row’s text based on the corresponding record’s attributes. In this video, we will discuss how you can add colors to the tree view based on conditions. Get the module from our repository: As in the Odoo […]
Odoo 13 inventory management is a resourceful module that can be utilized by any business organization irrespective of its size. It is designed in such a flexible manner. Odoo 13 inventory is fully integrated with other applications, such as Purchase, Sales, or Inventory. Get the module from our repository: This session discusses the Inventory management […]
Odoo SQL Constraints can be used to add validation to data before saving to database.SQL constraints are a part of PostgreSQL. Get the module from our repository: Related Videos: Configure Odoo 14 Project on Pycharm Ubuntu: Building a Module in Odoo 14: Composition of a module in Odoo 14: Module Structure in Odoo 14: Empty […]
Odoo Python Constraints ( api.constraints ) helps to validate specific fields given as it’s parameters. It will return a message if the data is invalid.api.constraints trigger a python method where the validation conditions are checked. Get the module from our repository: In this videos, you are going to learn odoo python constraints Related videos: Computed […]
Odoo api.onchange decorator is used to invoke a method when a field’s value changed. It can be used to validate the data or to trigger an action. Get the module from our repository: This video explains about the onchange mechanism: @api.onchange in Odoo Related videos: Computed fields and @api.depends in Odoo 13: View Inheritance in […]
This video explains about ‘Putaway rule in Odoo13’.A good warehouse implementation takes care that products automatically move to their appropriate destination location. Putaway is the process of taking products off the receiving shipment and putting them into the most appropriate location. A putaway strategy follows the same principle as removal strategies but affects the destination […]
How to assign an owner for the product in Odoo13, Some suppliers can sometimes offer you to store and sell products without having to buy those items: this technique is called consignee stock. Consignee stock is a great way for manufacturers and suppliers to launch new products. As resellers may be reluctant to buying a […]