
Inventory Adjustments & Cycle Counts in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Inventory | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo, both cycle counts and inventory adjustments are crucial for maintaining accurate inventory records. Here’s a breakdown of each concept and how they work together: Inventory Adjustments: Used to manually update the on-hand quantity of a product in the system. Reasons for adjustments could be: Stock breakage Spoilage Loss during theft Finding unexpected inventory […]

How to Setup Sales Credit Limit in Odoo 17 | Setup Sales Credit Limit in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 17 empowers you to set up sales credit limits, helping you manage customer payment risks and maintain control over outstanding balances. 00:00 Intro 00:13 Enable sales limit 00:55 Create quotation  2:23 set limit for customer Activating the Feature: Access Accounting Settings: Navigate to the Accounting module and click on “Configuration” followed by “Settings.” Enable […]

How to Manage Package Reservation Method in Odoo 17 Inventory Module | Odoo 17 Inventory Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo allows you to reserve packages along with products during sales orders. This ensures you have enough packaging materials to fulfill the order. Here’s a breakdown of package reservations in Odoo: Configuration (Odoo v15 and above): Enable Packaging: In the Inventory module settings, activate the “Packaging” feature. Set Up Products: In the product category, you’ll […]

How to Create an XLS Report in Odoo 17 | XLS Report in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

XLSX reports are essential for structured data analysis, customizable presentation, and compatibility across platforms, facilitating efficient decision-making and communication within organizations. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to create XLSX reports in Odoo 17, enabling users to export data from their Odoo system into Excel-compatible files for enhanced analysis or sharing purposes. #Odoo17 #XLSReports #OdooDevelopment […]

How to Create a Stage or a Pipeline in Odoo 17 CRM | Create Stages | Create Pipelines | Odoo 17 CRM – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 17 CRM empowers you to manage your sales pipeline with customizable stages. 00:00 Intro 00:14 Create pipeline 1:04 Create opportunity 1:39 Stage operations Creating Stages: Access the Pipeline View: Head to the CRM module and navigate to the “Pipeline” tab. This displays your current sales pipeline with existing stages and opportunities. Add a New […]

How to Manage Different Invoice & Delivery Addresses of a Customer | Customer Address in Odoo 17 – CBMS Odoo ERP

The customer address in Odoo serves several important purposes within the software’s functionalities: Identifying and Contacting Customers: The primary function is to establish the location and contact details of a customer. This includes information like street address, city, state, zip code, and phone number. With this information, Odoo facilitates various actions, like: Sending quotations, sales […]

How to Create & Use a Subscription Product in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Subscription | Subscription Products – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo allows you to define and manage products specifically designed for subscription-based services. This functionality lets you create recurring revenue streams and simplifies managing subscriber relationships. 00:00 Intro 00:37 Product creation 04:26 Add product in subscription Subscription Products vs. Regular Products: Unlike regular products sold one-time, subscription products represent ongoing access to a service or […]

How to Configure Helpdesk Team Inside Helpdesk Module of Odoo 17 | Helpdesk Team in Odoo 17 – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 17 Helpdesk Teams: Streamlining Customer Support 00:00 Intro 00:40 helpdesk team 1:08 Visibility and assignment 4:18 Channels 5:28 Help center 6:59 Track & Bill 7:30 Performance 8:06 Self-service 8:49 After sales Odoo 17 offers a robust Helpdesk module to manage customer support requests through a ticketing system. But the real power lies in its […]

How to Create User Notification in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to create user notifications in Odoo 17, User notifications are crucial for enhancing user experience by providing immediate feedback or conveying important information based on specific events or actions within the Odoo application. Various notification options exist in Odoo, namely: Sticky Notification, ,Rainbow Man Effect, Alert ,Raise Exception/Validation.By understanding and implementing […]