Automated Actions Using Odoo 14 Studio – CBMS Odoo ERP

Automated Actions Using Odoo 14 Studio – CBMS Odoo ERP

0 minutes, 26 seconds Read

Automated actions can be used to automatically trigger actions based on some conditions. We can use them to automatically perform some operations on records that meet certain criteria or based on time conditions. Automated Actions are a powerful way to add functionality to Odoo without any programming. Also, if you are using Odoo Online you cannot do the development or install third-party add-ons but you can use Automated Actions (and Server Actions).

This video explains how to create automated actions using Odoo 14 Studio

#Automated #Actions #Odoo #Studio

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Comments on: Automated Actions Using Odoo 14 Studio – CBMS Odoo ERP

  1. avatar
    @trto4958 says:

    Hello, thanks for your video. I'm using Odoo 14. Although i have turned on Developer mode, went to Technical, i still could not find the Automated Actions, there is only Scheduled Action. Could you please help me

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