Automatic Reordering Rule in Odoo 17 Inventory | Odoo 17 Inventory Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Automatic Reordering Rule in Odoo 17 Inventory | Odoo 17 Inventory Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Odoo’s automatic reordering rule helps manage inventory levels by automatically generating purchase or manufacturing orders when stock dips below a certain point. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

Setting Up the Rule:
Configure the product: Navigate to the product you want the rule for in the Inventory app.

Enable Reordering Rules: Look for the “Reordering Rules” tab and click “Create” to establish a new rule.

Define Minimum and Maximum Levels:
Min. Quantity: This is the trigger point. When the on-hand quantity falls below this level, the rule activates.

Max. Quantity: This sets the maximum stock level you want to maintain.
Triggering the Rule:

Automatic Trigger: (Default setting) The scheduler checks reordering rules daily. If a product’s on-hand quantity falls below the minimum, the rule triggers.

Sales Order Trigger: When a confirmed sales order reduces the forecasted quantity (on-hand quantity + planned purchases/manufacturing orders) below the minimum, the rule triggers.

Actions Taken:
Purchase Order Generation: (Default behavior) If the “Buy” route is selected in the rule, an RFQ (Request for Quotation) is created, potentially leading to a purchase order.

Manufacturing Order Generation: If the “Manufacture” route is chosen, a manufacturing order is generated to produce the required product internally.
Example: Automatic Reordering Rule for Coffee Beans

Scenario: You run a coffee shop and use Odoo to manage your inventory. You want to automatically reorder coffee beans when the stock level gets low.

Setting Up the Rule:
Go to the Product tab in the Inventory app.
Find Coffee Beans and open the product details.
Click on the Reordering Rules tab.
Click Create to set up a new rule.
Min. Quantity: Set this to 20 bags. This means the rule will trigger when the stock level falls below 20 bags.
Max. Quantity: Set this to 50 bags. This ensures you maintain a stock of up to 50 bags to avoid stockouts.
Leave the Trigger as Automatic (default).
Since you purchase coffee beans from a supplier, ensure the Buy route is selected.

How it Works:
Odoo’s scheduler automatically checks reordering rules daily.
If the on-hand quantity of coffee beans falls below 20 bags (the minimum level), the rule triggers.

An RFQ is automatically generated for your coffee bean supplier.
You can then review the RFQ, negotiate prices if needed, and convert it into a purchase order to replenish your stock.

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