Top 5 Paid Apps in Odoo

Odoo is an open-source interface supported by various applications that are interlinked to each other. Upon installing odoo one may come upon certain applications that are in build in the software. These are the applications one needs to set up the ERP. From the list of applications, the user can download apps on which some […]

US Payroll Management Using Odoo 15 Payroll Module

One of the complicated processes for company operations in different countries is compensating and hiring employees. An employee gets benefits in bonuses, salaries, promotions, and other deductions. Some essential elements for payroll calculation in the US are earnings, deductions, gross pay, taxable gross, and an employee’s net pay. Most firms face difficulties with the payroll […]

Top 5 Benefits of ERP in Food Manufacturing

Running a successful business urges smart planning and better forecasting. There are various business processes including human resource, inventory and order management, accounting, customer relationship management (CRM) running simultaneously in an organization making it highly comprehensive and integrated platform. With the implementation of an ERP software, a business organization can easily integrate the various functions […]

Type Of Actions In Odoo 16 ERP

This blog describes different types of actions in Odoo 16. The user performs actions, and the system reacts based on the user’s actions. These responses are also called actions. Odoo 16 has six actions 1. Server Actions (ir.actions.server) 2. Client Actions (ir.actions.client) 3. Automatic Actions (ir.cron) 4. URL Actions (ir.actions.act_url) 5. Report Actions ( 6. […]