Unit of Measures in Odoo 13

While handling a business process, it’s very essential to sell and buy products in different quantities that are convenient for consumers. Thus the concept- unit of measure arises from purchasing a product either in bulk or in fewer quantities.  [wpcc-iframe loading=”lazy” width=”100%” height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/rpqgykAyoC0″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””] In odoo, one can […]

V10 Enterprise Sales

This document contains the main features of sales module of Odoo 10 enterprise compared to Odoo 10 community. The main features such as Odoo VOIP, Odoo digital signature, manage subscriptions etc. By referring this document we can easily understand the basics of Odoo VOIP, i.e, how to configure and use the features such as transfer […]

What Are The Features Of Odoo 16 Educational Exam Management App

The importance of examinations in schools cannot be overstated. They are an essential tool for assessing students’ knowledge, understanding, and abilities. Educational Exam Managements have become a necessity in today’s world, with the increase in the number of students and the complexity of the examination process. With Odoo 16’s Education Exam ERP, schools can automate […]

Timesheets in Odoo V12

Odoo allows the end user to record the time spent by an employee over a project. Timesheet is a method of tracking employee working time. Utilizing this Timesheet feature in Odoo, one can easily analyze the employee working report, says the project-based working time and task-based working time.  Thus via tracking the working time, one […]

Timesheet Management With the Help of Odoo 15

Odoo is one of the leading open source ERP systems which ensures advanced performance in business management by providing efficient modules. This business management software includes modules for CRM, Sales, Purchase, Manufacture, Accounting, Maintenance, Repair, Project, Field Service, Inventory, Human Resource, and many more for organizing and monitoring almost all operations inside a company. In […]