Multi-Step Production in Odoo V12

Odoo ERP is known for mapping different business processes together under one roof, making everything streamlined and organized. Dating back to the history of ERP, initially, the application was coined for planning and scheduling materials. However, with time the ERP tool grew themselves to be the complex business management platform fulfilling every business need, be […]

Multi-company Guidelines in Odoo 15

Multi-company Guidelines in Odoo 15 A main feature of Odoo is its ability to maintain multiple companies,  which allows users to easily and smoothly maintain information from multiple companies. Also, it allows us to manage operationsfrom each company independently and share some data such as products, customers, etc.Although, many multi-company-related issues will arise if we […]

Module Guidelines in Odoo 15

Odoo is an open-source solution, and it consists of different business modules. A developer can modify or integrate the business workflows with Odoo. For developing Odoo modules we have certain guidelines which will help the developers to improve the Odoo code quality. We can go through these guidelines in this blog. Module Structure In Odoo […]

Module Debt Notebook V8

INTRODUCTION: Comfortable Sales For Your Regular Customers The module allows to make the sale on credit in a single click. You do not need to take money from customer each time. You’ll be able to offer your customer make the prepayment or pay periodically, e.g. once in a month. It’s a good solution for small […]