Odoo is a very flexible ERP system when compared to the fields and their views. We can easily add new fields into a model and display them into new views or existing views. In this video, we’ll be discussing how we can add a new field into an existing form view. #odoocustomfield #odoofields #odoo14 #Add […]
In this video we will discuss how to open a form view on a button click in odoo 14 development #odoo #odoo14 #odoodevelopment #odootutorials #cybrosys #cybrosystutorials #Open #Form #View #Button #Click #Odoo
In this video, we are discussing how to define a computed field in a model and its use cases in odoo 14. #odoo14 #odoovideos #odoofields #Define #Computed #Field #Odoo
In some conditions, we want to translate the content of some records to other languages. Odoo we can easily translate text strings in one language to another language without any extra customizations. This video explains how to translate a field in odoo. #Odoo #Field #Translatable #Odoo
If a method has more than one super method and doesn’t want to execute any functionalities of those super methods, then we can override all super methods of that method. #odoo14 #overridemethods #odootechnicalvideos #Override #Super #Method #Odoo #Odoo
In this video, you can see How to pass a context value in odoo from python and XML. #odooxml #odootutorials #odoo14 #odoo #odootechnical #odoo14technical #Pass #Context #Odoo
In this video, You can see various parameters that can be used when you define a Many2one field and the use cases of those parameters. #many2onefield #odoo #odoo14 #odootechnical #odoo14technical #Many2one #Field #Parameters #Odoo #Define #Many2one #Field #Odoo