Expected Features in Odoo 17 Sales App | Odoo 17 Features | Whats New in Odoo 17 Sales Module – CBMS Odoo ERP

Expected Features in Odoo 17 Sales App | Odoo 17 Features | Whats New in Odoo 17 Sales Module – CBMS Odoo ERP

This video deals with the revamp in the odoo 17 sales module. The general change in odoo is the revamp of the theme that is milky and dark.Another common change is the advanced filter in Odoo 17 which lets the user set filters based on certain rules and conditions. #odoosales

It’s easy to select and unselect the quotation in bulk with the support of the shift key +up arrow /down arrow from the keyboard which allows the  user to export and import the data. #odoo17 #odoo17features

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