Get JSON Data by Changing the URL in Odoo 18 | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 Release Date | Odoo 18 – CBMS Odoo ERP

Get JSON Data by Changing the URL in Odoo 18 | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 Release Date | Odoo 18 – CBMS Odoo ERP

To access a JSON view in Odoo, use the ir.ui.view model and its methods. Here are the main ways to access a JSON view:

1. By ID:


view_id = 123 # Replace with the actual ID of your JSON view
view = ir.ui.view.browse(view_id)
json_data = view.arch

2. By name:


view_name = ‘my_json_view’
view =[(‘name’, ‘=’, view_name)])
if view:
json_data = view[0].arch
# Handle the case where the view is not found

3. By model and view type:


model_name = ‘your_model’
view_type = ‘form’ # Can be ‘form’, ‘tree’, ‘search’, etc.
view =[(‘model’, ‘=’, model_name), (‘type’, ‘=’, view_type)])
if view:
json_data = view[0].arch
# Handle the case where the view is not found

Once you have the JSON data, you can parse and use i. For example, you could use it to create a new view, modify an existing view, or extract specific information from the view.

The arch field of the ir.ui.view model contains the JSON representation of the view.
You can use the search method to find multiple views that match your criteria.
The view_type field indicates the type of view, such as a form view, tree view, or search view.
You can use the fields field of the ir.ui.view model to access the fields defined in the view.

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