How To Create Editable Tree View in Odoo 16 | Odoo 16 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

How To Create Editable Tree View in Odoo 16 | Odoo 16 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

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In Odoo, adding a new record or editing an existing record are much more important when using an editable tree view. #odoo16tutorials

A user can easily create or edit the records by turning on the editable tree view. #odoo16technicalvideos

The editable=’bottom’ or editable=’top’ attribute is used to change a tree view into an editable tree view. It is a quicker and more effective way to create or edit records.

In Odoo 16, learn how to create an editable tree view. Making a tree view that can be edited for one-to-many fields. #odootutorials.

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#Create #Editable #Tree #View #Odoo #Odoo #Development #Tutorials

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  1. avatar
    @JoseAguirre-ri8tg says:

    Good evening.
    I noticed that you modified the create button to show your own personalized view…
    Could you tell me how did you do that?

    I created my view like so:
    <record id="view_student_tree" model="ir.ui.view">

    <field name="name">student.tree</field>

    <field name="model">student</field>

    <field name="arch" type="xml">


    <field name="name" string="Nombre"/>

    <field name="student_DNI"/>

    <field name="age"/>

    <field name="course_id"/>

    <field name="phone" string="Teléfono"/>

    <field name="email" string="Correo Electrónico"/>




    But when I click create it's showing me a different form with a lot of fields that I don't want, like partner_id, message_is_follower, message_has_sms_error and so on. How can I show a simple form view from the create button, like you did at 0:27 ?

    Thank you.

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