How to Create Qweb Reports In Odoo v10

How to Create Qweb Reports In Odoo v10

In every Industry, a report is an essential factor to analyze their business process efficiency. Odoo also supports Qweb reports for easy report making. This is the technical document which helps to create a report.


Simple Pdf Report

For making a simple pdf report in Odoo we can go through the following steps

– Declare a report action

– Define a report template

Declare a report action

In an XML file we can declare a report inside the ‘ <report></report>’  tag.


    string="Job Card"
       report_name = “Job Card”
    attachement_use = “True”
    menu = “False”

Id:– Represents the report’s external id

string:– Represents the Report

model:It is a mandatory field which represents the model that the report will stand for

– report_type:– Type of report.  We have many types of reports

– Pdf report -> qweb-pdf

– Html report -> qwebhtml

– Controller -> controller

– Xlsx -> xlsx

– Name:– It is a mandatory field. It is useful for description of the report when looking for one in a list of some sort.

– File:– Here you can mention the template id preceding the directory name. In our eg

fleet_repair_management : directory name

report_fleet_job_card : template id

– report_name:– Name of your report

 Groups:– This is a many2many field. This field restricts the use or view of the report. You can add some groups here. Then only the members which are the members of these group can view or use this report.

– attachement_use:– You can set it to True, then the report will be stored as an attachment of the record with the name generated from the attachment expression; if you need your report to be generated only once you can use this feature.

– paperformat_id:– External id of the paper format that you wish to use for this report.

– menu:– By default it will be true. So it will have appeared on the print menu.

Define a report template

We can define a simple template for a report as follow.

    <template id="report_fleet_job_card">
        <t t-call="report.html_container">
            <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="doc">
                <t t-call="report.external_layout">
                    <div class="page">
                        <h1>Job Card</h1>
                        <p> Template content</p>

id:- Represents the external id of the template

docs:- It will record the current report

doc_model:- It will represent the model of current docs

doc_ids:- It stands for the list of ids of docs

user:- Represents the current user

res_company:- Represents the current user’s company

If we calling ‘external_layout’ it will add default header and footer to your report.

We can include our report contents whatever we need inside the page div.


If you want to print your report with the partner_id’s language you can define your template like translatable templates.

    <template id="report_fleet">
        <t t-call="report.html_container">
            <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="doc">
                <t t-call="fleet_repair_management.report_fleet_job_card" t-lang="doc.partner_id.lang"/>
    <template id="report_fleet_job_card">
        <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="doc">
            <t t-call="report.external_layout">
                <div class="page">
                    <h1>Job Card</h1>
                    <p> Template content</p>

Here the main template will call the translatable template with

<t t-call="fleet_repair_management.report_fleet_job_card" t-lang="doc.partner_id.lang"/>


If you want to translate only the body of the report, you can call external_layout as follow.

<t t-call="report.external_layout" t-lang="en_US">

For using company logo you can use

<img class="image" t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % res_company.logo"style="border:auto;"/>


For using barcode you can use

<img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/?type=%s&value=%s&width%s&height=%s' % ('Code128', obj.product_barcode, 600, 100)"style="width:300px;height:50px"/>


Paper Format

You can define your own paper format using the model ‘report.paperformat’ in an XML file.

<record id="fleet_job_card_format" model="report.paperformat">
    <field name="name">Job Card</field>
    <field name="default" eval="False" />
    <field name="format">custom</field>
    <field name="page_height">320</field>
    <field name="page_width">220</field>
    <field name="orientation">Portrait</field>
    <field name="margin_top">0</field>
    <field name="margin_bottom">0</field>
    <field name="margin_left">10</field>
    <field name="margin_right">10</field>
    <field name="header_line" eval="False" />
    <field name="header_spacing">10</field>
    <field name="dpi">90</field>

id: External id of your paper format

header_spacing: Header spacing in mm

header_line: you can set header_line as true or false. If it is true It will display the header line

margin_right: Distance from right margin

margin_left: Distance from left margin

margin_top: Distance from top margin

margin_bottom: Distance from bottom margin

format: It will be a predefined format (like a4 or a3) or custom if a format is a custom then you want to specify the page_width and page_height

page_width: Width of your page in mm

page_height: Height of your page in mm

orientation: Landscape or Portrait

dpi: Output resolution

Custom Report

For making a custom report you can go through the following stages

Declare a report action

Define a report template

Define a python code to call report with data


We can call our template via Python code as following

from odoo import API, models


class CustomReport(models.AbstractModel):

      _name = 'report.fleet_repair_management.report_fleet_job_card'
      def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
        report_obj = self.env['report']
        report = report_obj._get_report_from_name('fleet_repair_management.report_fleet_job_card')
        fleet_args = {
            'doc_ids': docids,
            'doc_model': report.fleet_repair,
            'docs': self,
        return report_obj.render('fleet_repair_management.report_fleet_job_card', fleet_args)

Reports from UI

We can also create Reports from User Interface from the menu

Settings -> Technical-> Reports -> Reports


Here you can set a name for your report and can select one of the report type and one of the paper format. Here all the fields are same just like the one mentioned before. You can remove this report from a print menu by clicking “Remove from the Print menu” smart button.  You have also a facility to view Qweb from the smart button Qweb views.

We have many types of reports like

-PDF -> Report in Pdf document

-HTML -> Report in Html format

-Controller -> Report through controller program

-Xlsx -> Report in Excel


Paper Format from UI

We can also create Paper Format from User Interface from the menu

Settings -> Technical-> Reports -> Paper Format


The fields are just same as mentioned before in the technical part.

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