How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App

5 minutes, 26 seconds Read

Only regular maintenance will keep the equipment lasting and performing at its optimum. By performing effective maintenance procedures, a company may decrease downtime, increase productivity, and extend its equipment’s life, improving efficiency and lowering costs.

The Odoo16 maintenance module helps users properly maintain equipment. In this section, we’ll look at how the Odoo maintenance module promotes efficient equipment management. This was completed using the Maintenance Module.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

There are certain adjustments that can be done inside the module to ensure proper equipment upkeep. Users can create new Maintenance Teams, Maintenance Stages, and Categories of Equipment from the Settings tab.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Maintenance Teams

A group of employees known as the Maintenance Team properly manages the maintenance process. In Odoo, the configuration tab is where the Maintenance Team is configured. Click the New button to create a new team. Mention the team name and include the names of the team members. There may also be a mention of the company name.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Equipment Categories

Equipment categories are used to categorize the different equipment that is used in the work centers to manufacture goods. When you select the Equipment Category from the configuration tab, a list of Equipment Categories is displayed. Click the New button to add a new category.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Include information such as the category name and company responsible. The comments area is open for any information on this category. Suppose the Equipment smart tab can display all the equipment from this category. The smart tab Maintenance can display any maintenance requests for the equipment in this category.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Maintenance Stages

When a user submits a maintenance request, the request may go through multiple stages. The configuration tab allows for the creation of such stages. Click the New button to create a new stage. Add the stage name. Click the checkbox labeled ‘Folded’ in Maintenance Pipe if you want the newly created stage to be folded in the pipeline view. Check the box marked Request Done if the request was successful at that step.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Creating Equipment 

Equipment is a crucial component in the production process. Select Machines & Tools from the Equipment tab to build a new piece of equipment.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

There is a list of previously made equipment that can be seen. By selecting the New button, users can quickly develop new equipment from this window.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Add the equipment name, the firm name, and the owner to whom this equipment is assigned when creating a new piece of equipment, select the category you previously made. At the time of creating the equipment, the maintenance team can be selected. This equipment’s technician name could be added and which date the equipment is assigned to the employee might be added in the Assigned Date column. The date that this equipment is disposed of as scrap may be included in the scrap date. This window includes information on the Used Location and the Workcenter in which the Equipment Was Used.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

There are three tabs: Product Information, Maintenance, and Description. The Description tab is where you may enter any descriptions about this equipment. The vendor name, vendor reference, model serial number, and other relevant information about the equipment are added here. The Effective Date field states the equipment’s effective date. Preventive maintenance was carried out based on this effective date, and the equipment cost as well as the guarantee expiration date were also indicated.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

In the Maintenance tab, the details to do the maintenance are given inside this. Preventive Maintenance frequency is the number of days between two Preventive Maintenance. This is set as 5 days, so the Next preventive maintenance date is automatically added on the basis of the Preventive Maintenance frequency. 

The next preventive maintenance date is calculated by adding Preventive Maintenance frequency with the Effective date. Here the effective date is 07/01/2023 and the Preventive Maintenance frequency is 5 days. So adding these the Next preventive maintenance date is updated as 5 days after, which means 07/06/2023.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Corrective maintenance is related to the Expected Mean Time Between Failure field. As implied by the name, the expected number of days between two failures of that equipment is the ‘Expected Mean Time Between Failure’. After submitting a maintenance request, additional fields like Mean Time Between Failure, Estimated Next Failure, Latest Failure, and Mean Time To Repair are automatically updated in this document eventually.

Maintenance Request

Let’s make a maintenance request to see how Odoo 16 handles equipment maintenance. Select the Maintenance Request option from the Maintenance menu to do that.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Open requests display previously created requests along with their current phases. The New button can be used to start a new request.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Add a request and select the newly created equipment. The category will then be taken automatically based on the equipment. The request date is updated to the current time. Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance are the two kinds of maintenance. The person in charge of the maintenance team, the scheduled date, the time needed to finish the request, the priority, the email cc, and the business are provided in the respective field. Any requested details are provided in the request itself.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

which is now in the New Request stage. The steps can be changed by the user in accordance with how maintenance requests are handled.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

The user will switch the request to the Repaired stage after the equipment’s maintenance is complete. Either the user will modify the request to the stage Scrap or the equipment will be harmed. The request is regarded as finished when it reaches the Repaired and Scrap stages, respectively.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

Since the request is in the repaired stage, the equipment maintenance for the HP Laptop is finished. Let’s check the equipment. The maintenance tab contains certain updates after completing the maintenance process.

How to Maintain Equipment with Odoo 16 Maintenance App-cybrosys

The Latest Failure was when the most recent maintenance request was made. The date of the most recent maintenance is 07/06/2023 (Latest Failure). On the basis of requests for corrective maintenance, the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is updated. Here, the first maintenance request is made five days after the effective date, hence five days are updated. Based on the computed Latest Failure and the mean time between failures, the Estimated next failure is determined. Here, the MTBF is 5 days, the current failure date is July 6, and the estimated next failure is on July 11, which is 5 days after the latest failure. The mean time needed to fulfill the two maintenance requests is used to determine Mean Time To Repair.

A business’s equipment is a crucial component, especially if it manages the manufacturing process. Therefore, by utilizing the Maintenance module in Odoo 16, effective maintenance of this equipment becomes a very straightforward operation.

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