How to Manage By Products in  Odoo 17 Manufacturing App | By Products in  Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

How to Manage By Products in Odoo 17 Manufacturing App | By Products in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

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In Odoo manufacturing, let’s consider a scenario where you produce wooden chairs as the main product. Here are some potential byproducts:

Wood shavings and sawdust: These are inevitable results of cutting and shaping the wood for the chair. Odoo allows you to include them in the BOM and assign a cost based on how much wood waste is typically generated per chair.
Offcuts: During the production process, there might be smaller pieces of leftover wood that can’t be used for the chair itself. These offcuts could be listed as a byproduct and potentially used for creating smaller items or sold as firewood.
While wood shavings and sawdust might not be directly sellable, they can have value for purposes like packing material or fuel generation. Odoo helps you track their creation and potentially find ways to utilize them.

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