How to Manage Employee Expenses Using Odoo 15 Expenses Module | Odoo 15 Employee Expenses Management – CBMS Odoo ERP

How to Manage Employee Expenses Using Odoo 15 Expenses Module | Odoo 15 Employee Expenses Management – CBMS Odoo ERP

0 minutes, 49 seconds Read

This video will give you a detailed note on Employee Expense management with the Odoo 15 Expenses module. #odoo15videos

Video Contents
00:00 Introduction to Expenses Module
00:38 Report Expense
05:37 All My Expenses
09:51 All Reports

Expense management holds its title as one of the most crucial parts of any business institution. Expenses on employees on behalf of the company is ordinary. #odoo15expenses

Sometimes employees have to take their own money for Local conveyance, mobile bills, or any other costs related to the institution within which the employee is working.

Employees should be paid back fairly for their commitment to the institution. With the Odoo 15, Expense module, employees can effortlessly create and send expense reports to their companies.

The Expenses module is integrated with the other HR modules of Odoo for generating maximum efficiency and making the initial setup and configuration much more accessible.

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