How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App

How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App

4 minutes, 51 seconds Read

You can comprehend and follow each movement of a product by using the routes that have been set for it. It is the operational path or track utilized for moving inventory. It is challenging to track and manage the inventory movements of a business without a good strategy. You can establish specific operational rules to specify the product movements in inventory based on your company’s policies. Using these rules, you may set up many operations paths for the products in Odoo. This will guarantee that your business is managing its inventory properly.

Users can access various platforms to set appropriate rules and routes for stock transfer stock in the Odoo 16 Inventory module. Before designing routes for inventory, make sure to configure the storage locations and warehouse operations to which the routes in Odoo are related. You must enable this option from the module’s Settings menu in order to create new routes in Odoo. The Multi-Step Routes can be activated from the Warehouse tab, which is located where it is illustrated below.

How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App-cybrosys

Due to their interdependence, the Storage Location feature will also be active automatically when this option is selected. We already covered how to set up locations and warehouses for inventory management. Let’s now examine how a company’s product movement rules are set up.

Creation of Rules

From the Configuration menu of the Inventory module, the user can choose to set up new rules for inventory moves. A new window with the list view of the already specified Rules is opened by selecting the Rules option under the Warehouse Management menu, as shown below.

How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App-cybrosys

This preview shows the Action, Source Location, Destination Location, Route, and Company information for each Rule. Like any other platform, Odoo ensures that the basic and customizable GroupBy and Filters options are available to make searching easier. You can immediately click the Create button to learn the procedures for configuring a new rule in Odoo.

How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App-cybrosys

You can include a suitable title for the new rule in the Name area. The Action for the new rule needs to be defined next. A drop-down menu will allow you to choose the appropriate course of action.

Pull From: When products are required at the target location, this action can be set. It may come from a manufacturing order or a sales order. Odoo will produce a picking operation type from the source location to fulfill the need when a product demand occurs in the destination location.

Push To: This rule allows you to move a product to a different location. This action allows you to transport items to another area after they arrive at the originating location. In this scenario, Odoo will generate a pickup operation type to send them to the destination location.

Push and Pull: Both of the aforementioned scenarios can make use of this action. A picking is produced from the source area to meet the need when products are required in the destination place. This necessitates product specifications at the point of origin. Products are pushed to the destination site to meet the needs of the destination location once the source location has satisfied the requirement.

Manufacturer: With the help of this action, you can create manufacturing orders directly to meet the source location’s needs.

Buy: Using this action, Odoo will request a quotation to purchase the product to satisfy the need when products are required at the destination site.

You can specify the operation type, source location, and destination location in the following areas. You can specify the Route, Warehouse, Company, and Sequence on which this rule is applicable in the Applicability tab. You can select Empty, Fixed, or Propagate for the Propagation of Procurement Group under the Propagation tab. The move generated by this rule is canceled with the subsequent move by turning on the Cancel Next Move option. The carrier of the cargo will be propagated after activating the carrier propagation. You can specify a warehouse other than the warehouse this rule is for in the Warehouse to Propagate field for a newly established move or procurement.

Creation of Routes

The Configuration menu of the Odoo Inventory module‘s Warehouse Management tools provides access to the platform for managing and creating various operational routes. Here, the user can view the predefined list of routes together with information about the company and the routes’ names.

How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App-cybrosys

To build a fresh route for inventory moves, click the New button.

How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App-cybrosys

The Route field allows you to specify the route’s name. The corresponding fields can also specify the Sequence, Supplied Warehouse, and Company. If this route is shared by all the companies configured in your database, you can omit the Company field. You can choose the locations where this route can be selected in the Applicable On tab. According to your company’s policies, you can choose from the Product Categories, Products, Packaging, Warehouse, and Sales Order Lines available here. Using the Add a Line button located under the Rules tab, you may describe the rules applied to this path of operation. By taking the actions we covered in the earlier section, you can configure new rules for this route. Don’t forget to click the Save button at the end to save the modifications.

When configuring each product in the database in Odoo, you can provide a distinct path of operation for that product. To choose the best path for a product’s inventory movement, you may locate a specific field in the Inventory tab of the products management window, as shown below.

How to Manage Rules & Routes Under Odoo 16 Inventory App-cybrosys

This field lets you specify a product’s route based on the module you installed in your Odoo database. Depending on the path you take, it can be purchased, produced, supplied on demand, etc. We define product moving routes in Odoo Inventory in this manner.

This is how you will manage and regulate rules and routes in the Odoo 16 Inventory module.

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