How to Repair Products in Odoo 13

How to Repair Products in Odoo 13

3 minutes, 40 seconds Read

Manufacturing complexities may vary based on the products and the process of operation. There are various cases in any manufacturing platform such as they may create certain errors and produce faulty products. A simple unknown machine error or parallax error from the human side can create faulty products in a sophisticated process. Management of repairs can be a trick for every business since they must be sorted out and placed under the right manufacturing lanes to repair them. The Odoo platform provides a repair management module for the user where all the repairs on products can be planned and organized.

Repairing of the product which is being purchased and used by the customer can be done in any business organization whether the product falls into the warranty period category or not and the organization can also charge the customers for the repair of the products which are both supported in the Odoo platform. Once a customer initiates a repair request to the company is liable to perform the action if it falls under the customer agreement. The company can even charge the customer and send invoices. The Odoo repair module allows the user to manage and send invoices for the repairs conducted. The tasks can be on-site or off-site of the company facility since in certain instances the company must do field repairs in the customer’s site or facility.

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Upon receiving the product to be repaired by the customer the employees can collect it and store it for repair by analyzing all the details and obtaining the contact information of the customer for further contact. The repaired orders should be initially created to assign the person responsible to conduct the repair. To create a repair order initially the user should set up the repair module from the app list in Odoo.

Now create the new repair request in the window and a page as the image below is opened up. The user can provide all the product details along with the quantity of the product. The user can even assign designated employees to tackle the problem. B the initial analysis the user can create estimated components and work time required to repair the product. This listed them in the parts needed for the task and the operations conducted. Customized notes can also be provided to the designated employee to inform about the aspects of the product.


On finishing the descriptive details and analysis the user can send a quotation to the customer indicating the price of the repair including the service charge and spare parts. 

In instances such as the spare parts for the repair are not available in the company’s inventory a warning message is depicted to the user indicating the unavailability of stock while creating quotations. This manner the user is subjected to verify the availability of the stock before sending out a repair quotation and plan accordingly.

Normally the quotations are sent via email and at instances, the user can always take the print out of the quotations to set them via post or hand it over to the customer by hand. A default email pattern is already set up by Odoo along with the all necessary details and it can be customized as per the need. The recipient list can also be edited.


Upon receiving the green signal from the customer the user can start to repair the product by selecting the start to repair option available in the repair orders dashboard.


Upon finishing the repair the user can opt for the finish repair option. At instances such as the customer places the repair request online and the company picks up the delivery and delivers back it to the destination upon repair the user can also add delivery charges to the quotation. 

In the case of manufacturing defects on a product, the user can create a repair order to be performed within the company and assign a designated employee to tackle the issue. There are times certain machinery alignments or minute errors could damage the credibility and standard of the product. These products can be easily repaired in the company’s facility itself before discarding them to scrap. No repair quotations are created and sent but rather the repairs are done and finished notifying the user by the respective employee.

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