How to Set Access Rights for Models in Odoo15 | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

How to Set Access Rights for Models in Odoo15 | Odoo 15 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Access rights, These are rules defined to control who can do what in the Odoo database. As we add new users, we have to also control what these users can do in the database. For database security and to avoid confusion, this is important. #odoo15videos

The access rights can be defined for all module categories and applications installed in the database. This is done by choosing the group defined with the access rights. #odootutorials

Changing the access rights for the group will be discussed in the latter part of the blog. After the changes are saved, the user will receive an email invitation. #odoo15developmentvideos

They can create their own login to access the database. In this video we are discussing, How to set access right for a model in odoo 15 and its use cases in odoo 15 development.

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  1. avatar
    @williamvietnam9777 says:

    Can you help me, please?

    Exception: Module loading helpdesk_module failed: file helpdesk_modulesecurity/ir.model.access.csv could not be processed:

    No matching record found for external id ' model_helpdesk' in field 'Model'

    No matching record found for external id ' model_tickets_tickets' in field 'Model'

    Missing required value for the field 'Model' (model_id)

    Missing required value for the field 'Model' (model_id)

    my ir.model.access.csv:


    access_helpdesk, access.helpdesk, model_helpdesk,,1,1,1,1

    access_tickets_tickets, access.tickets_tickets, model_tickets_tickets,,1,1,1,1


    my models:
    from odoo import api, fields, models, _

    class Helpdesk(models.Model):

    _name = "helpdesk"

    _description = "Helpdesk"

    tickets = fields.Char('My Tickets')

    performance = fields.Char('My Performance')

    from odoo import api, fields, models, _

    class TicketsTickets(models.Model):

    _name = ""

    _description = "Tickets Tickets"

    name = fields.Char("Name", required=True)

    helpdesk_team = fields.Char("Helpdesk Team", required=True)

    assigned_to = fields.Char("Assigned to", required=True)

    customer = fields.Char("Customer", required=True)

    company = fields.Char("Company", required=True)

    next_activity = fields.Date("Next Activity", required=True)

    type = fields.Selection([('question', 'Question'),

    ('issue', 'Issue'),

    ('bug', 'Bug'),

    ('documentation', 'Documentation')], default='issue')

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