Odoo 13 POS Price List

Odoo 13 POS Price List

2 minutes, 56 seconds Read

In the period of e-commerce, reductions serve as tools for attracting more customers to a store, as people tend to purchase more items on discount sales. For cases where we need to set a minimum price for a group of customers for certain particular goods or full products, price lists are very useful. We may define customer price list rules and if that customer meets the requirements defined in the rules then that price list will apply. 

We can use price lists to give offers to customers if they buy a certain number of products. And it may be a seasonal discount by applying a pricelist rule to a certain period of time. We can set price lists for customers as well as for products. 


After installing the Point Of Sale module, enable the price list in the configuration settings.

Go to Point Of Sale module -> Configuration -> Settings -> Pricing -> enable Pricelists

Now create a price list and add details like price list name, currency, and company.


Click on ‘add a line’, so that we can add rules for which the price list is applicable. 


This allows us to set new prices for the products over a seasonal period based on certain computations. The rules can be applied for all products, product categories, product variants or for some particular products. Here the rule is applicable for all products and the minimum quantity is 2.

The minimum quantity refers to the fact that this rule is only applicable if the customer purchases a minimum number of products or greater than the minimum quantity.

The duration is set with a start date and end date. Even though they are not mandatory, setting a date can be helpful so that the discounts can be available within that time period.

The price computation can be on fixed price, percentage (discount) or formula. For a fixed price, it provides a discount of a fixed amount only for the condition. So we have to specify the amount. If the computation is based on percentage,  it provides a discount of a percentage amount only for the condition. Here also we have to mention the discount value. And for formula, the corresponding value calculated with the formula is deducted from the actual amount. 


When we choose the option ‘Product Category’ a new field will appear which we can use to select the category to which this rule is to be applied. If we select this choice this rule will only apply to this product category.


Likewise for products and product variants you have chosen the corresponding product and variant.

Now after configuring the price list, apply the price list for the customer in the customer’s form. Under the ‘sale & purchase’ tab of customer, form change the price list and save changes.


So when we chose the customer form the Odoo POS interface, it will automatically update the price list. Also when creating the point of sale we can mention a default price list and can set advanced price lists for specific prices and seasonal discounts as shown below.


Now let’s look at how this works on the point of sale interface. The point of sale and the products have to be open.


The Price list is chosen and on a purchase of 2 units of ‘Large Cabinet,’ the pricelist is made applicable. Similarly, if we add price lists in customer form and on selecting the customer at the point of sale, the customer price list will be automatically updated.

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