Odoo ERP Investment for Business Marketing to Defeat Recession 2022

Odoo ERP Investment for Business Marketing to Defeat Recession 2022

5 minutes, 9 seconds Read

Businesses immediately look into cutting costs in the face of recession. Most firms announce significant layoffs due to the rising risk of recession in 2022- 2023. It leads to slow sales of different organizations and lessens the customers’ rates. So, it is vital to focus on marketing by companies to stay in front of customers or clients. ERP software is crucial to preparing your marketing strategies to defeat inflation. You can quickly start a business market with Odoo ERP support in a recession to stay forefront of customers’ minds. Several Marketing modules available in the Odoo Enterprise version benefit your business marketing.

This blog emphasizes the importance of Odoo ERP investment for business marketing to defeat the recession.

During downturns, entrepreneurs should improve affordability and effectively streamline product portfolios through marketing. Businesses need to reduce unnecessary spending in a recession period. By investing in Odoo ERP, you can manage all business operations effectively through marketing. Now, let’s see the importance of Odoo ERP investment in business marketing.

Odoo Marketing Tools

One of the challenging tasks for a firm in a recession is to formulate marketing campaigns. The engagement of investors in marketing campaigns leads to the success of a company. Accurate marketing assistance is available for a company with the help of Odoo ERP. We can quickly point out dropshipping, sale market, and eCommerce business campaigns using the Odoo marketing tools. Exclusive promotional packages through discounts, coupons, and gift cards attract more customers to your business during inflation.

Odoo Enterprise version covers various modules beneficial for organizations. Some of the marketing modules/tools available in the Enterprise version are Social Marketing, SMS Marketing, and Email Marketing, as denoted in the screenshot below.


All these marketing tools ensure users generate campaigns, posts, mailings, and SMS marketing for customers. It enriches your business in a challenging situation by promoting marketing strategies.

Odoo Social Marketing

In a recession, most individuals adopt work-from-home jobs and rely on several social media platforms. Social Marketing is a vital method in today’s business world and it is beneficial in an economic downturn. You can grab the customers’ attention in marketing campaigns using Odoo 15 Social Marketing module. Using Odoo ERP, you can access social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and more. Odoo Social Marketing allows users to integrate social media strategies widely.

Users can add a stream or a new post to social media through the feed feature of the Social Marketing module. It is easy to add messages, attach images and choose your campaign when creating a new post, as depicted in the screenshot below.


You can quickly connect any stream for the social network by selecting the social media form.

Easy to manage Social Media Posts and Campaigns

Social media posts are essential to engage customers’ attraction to your business services or products. With the Odoo ERP support, you can develop various social media posts for your entrepreneurship during a recession. We can quickly overcome the recession by imparting several social media posts related to your business. Users can see the social media post status and manage push notifications by using Odoo 15 Social Marketing module. By choosing the Posts tab in Odoo 15 Social Marketing module, you can access and create different social media posts, as portrayed in the screenshot below.


You can access the number of leads, revenues, clicks, opportunities, and quotations from the created social post. Another specialty of Odoo social marketing is creating and managing campaigns for a trade. It is easy to design new campaigns and reach customers through the Campaigns feature of the Social Marketing module. You can arrange campaigns into each stage based on the progress, as illustrated in the screenshot below.


Odoo SMS Marketing

Most people in the world depend on mobile phones, and good SMS services are helpful for a company. We can target various clients during a recession period using the SMS Marketing tool of Odoo ERP. Users can quickly generate a new SMS for a customer related to a business promotion from the Odoo 15 SMS Marketing module. It is easy to check the status of your  Odoo ERP SMS campaigns, as specified in the screenshot below.


Users can add SMS Content, Title, and Recipients when creating a new SMS Campaign for your business, as mentioned in the screenshot below.


SMS Marketing Analysis for your Business

We can analyze various SMS marketing campaigns formulated for your business from the Odoo SMS Marketing module. Choose Reporting tab in the Odoo SMS Marketing module, and a graphical representation is visible before you, as portrayed in the screenshot below.


In the above graphical representation, you can see Mass Mail details on X-axis, and Y-axis denotes Scheduled data. Hence, it is easy to evaluate your SMS Marketing campaigns from Odoo 15 SMS Marketing module. Check out the given below link to get an overview of the Odoo 15 SMS Marketing Module

Odoo Email Marketing

Mailing management support for a company is vital for an economic downturn. With the assistance of Odoo ERP, you can tackle campaign operations through email marketing. We need to add subject, recipients, and mail body when generating a mailing on Odoo Email Marketing, as specified in the screenshot below.


A consumer can quickly handle already sent emails from Odoo Email Marketing.

Easy to Handle Mailing Lists and Mailing List Contacts

Individuals list to get a specific form of marketing mail is a Mailing List. We can group customers’ interests into a mailing list and promote your business marketing during a recession. Users can add multiple contacts to a mailing list with valid email recipients and SMS recipients, as marked in the screenshot below.


Contact management is necessary to maintain mailing lists for your firm. It is easy to promote your marketing business by keeping relations with customers. A user can fastly process mailing list contacts from Odoo 15 Email Marketing module. We can get the details of each mailing list of contacts such as Name, Mobile, Created Date, Phone Blacklisted, and Email, as mentioned in the screenshot below.


A company can target customers and promote sales using Odoo ERP. Odoo Social Marketing, SMS Marketing, and Email Marketing modules are beneficial for a business during inflation. Refer to our blog link to plan your business on ERP during a recession

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