Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16

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The Advanced Sales Reports module will help you print all reports under the sales module in Odoo. It will generate reports in both PDF and XML formats. It could be used for printing different sales reports like Sales Analysis, Sales By Category, Sales Indent, Sales Invoice, Product Profit, and Hourly Sales Reports. We can print each report on any date. Also, we can print reports based on product category, sale order profit, product profit, current status, untaxed amount, total amount, invoice status, company-based, and customers. So, we can list out what data or report we want/need in the sales module.

Product Profit Report

It will show the sale order profit details. The order number, order date, product, quantity, cost, sales price, profit, and margin details

Sales Invoice Report

It will show invoice reports of selected customers with the order number, order date, invoice number, invoice date, amount invoked, amount paid, and amount due details.

Sales By Category Report

Sale category reports are used to print reports that are based on the product category. Using this option, we can print reports of selected categories of products between the chosen start and end date.

Sales Indent Report

Sale Indent Report will print reports based on selected product categories with the selected status in between chosen dates.

Sales Analysis Report

A sale Analysis Report is used to analyze the company’s sales with the status based on sale orders or products.

Hourly Sales Report

We can print Hourly sales reports based on invoice status and the total amount or untaxed amount on the selected date.

Sale Product Profit Report

Under the Reporting tab in the sales module, we can see the menu sale product profit. It will show the wizard for selecting reports printed by customers or products or both. And there is also an option to select the start to end date and company for printing reports, Based on these details, product profit report will generate. There are two button  PDF Report and XLSX Report for printing reports.

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

PDF Report

PDF Report will generate the given data in pdf format

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

XLSX Report

XLSX Report will generate the given data in XLSX  format

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

Sales Invoice Analysis Report

Sales Invoice Analysis Report will show all the invoice analysis reports of open, paid, and both. And there is an option to give a start date and end date for printing all sales invoice analysis reports, as well as an option to select customers and companies. There are two buttons  PDF Report and XLSX Report for printing reports.

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

PDF Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

XLSX Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

Sales Category Report 

The sales Category Report will show all reports based on product categories. And there is an option to give a start date and end date and also an option to select categories and companies for printing all sales category reports. There are two buttons, PDF Report and XLSX Report, for printing reports.

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

PDF Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

XLSX Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

Sales Indent Report

It will show Product Sales Indent Report based on selected categories, customers, companies, and status between selected dates.

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

PDF Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

XLSX Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

Sales Analysis Report

The Sales Analysis Report will generate both PDF and XLSX reports. There is an option to select the start date and end date for printing reports based on selected status, customers, and also an option to select sale order basis or product basis. There are two buttons called PDF Report and XLSX Report for pdf creation.

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

PDF Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

XLSX Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

Hourly Sales Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

It will generate both a pdf and an xlsx report of Hourly Sales. There are some options for date, Invoice status, and Total amount for creating a report.    

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

PDF Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

XLSX Report

Overview of Advanced Sales Reports module in Odoo 16-cybrosys

The Advanced Sales Report will help us to print different types of reports in both XLSX and PDF format.

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