Product Life Cycle Management in Odoo 14

Product Life Cycle Management in Odoo 14

3 minutes, 52 seconds Read

Manufacturing operations in the company should be an up to date process and should be able to process with any adaptable changes in operations. Various stages of operations and the machinery involvement are being designed and drafted to these. The designs are made in the assumption of the development to the largest suitable values and how the work stations could be made more efficient. The changes in manufacturing and the updating involve the change in raw materials, process, finished product, appearances and many more internal and external aspects of the product.

Every product has a life cycle and an expiry date of operation. Other than consumable ones these products can be reused or recycled to change out to a new product with a similar marginal value. Moreover, the degradable consumable products which are not sold out in the company or the leftovers in restaurants are made into compost manure and used for agricultural purposes. On the other hand, the non-biodegradable ones are reduced down into categories and sent back to the same company or a recycling plant.

The companies should be capable of receiving these products and adaptable to make changes in their production methodology to reuse them. A similar terminology can be adapted for the storable products of the company which have not been sold out for longer durations are ready to be disposed of. This we’re where Odoo PLM management comes in. The business management platform has introduced the product life cycle management system to make the manufacturing process of the company to be compatible to adapt to the life cycle management operations in the company. 

Odoo ERP is one of the best business management software which is capable of running the entire company operations with a modular approach to deal with the management operations. In addition, the platform has designated modules to run the company which is defined to run application-specific operations. In addition, the manufacturing management of the company is managed by the manufacturing and the report module which go alongside the operations. Furthermore, the PLM module is designed to be compatible and running with the manufacturing module of the platform and the recyclable operations of the company.

This blog will provide an overview of the product life cycle management of the Odoo platform.

The user can install the PLM module from the applications module of the platform and can be able to run the lifecycle management operations products. Once the user enters the module he/she is depicted with the overview menu of the PLM. Here all the life cycle operations are being depicted. Furthermore, there are various filtering as well as grouping options available to retrieve the designated information. Additionally, the engineering changes concerning each operation is being depicted here.


To view the engineering changes concerning each overview tab selects the respective one and the user will be depicted with a window as shown below. Here all the engineering changes will be depicted.


ECO Stages
The engineering change order stages for the operations are being described in the ECO Stages tab accessible from the configuration window. Here all the stages described are depicted and the user can select to edit an existing one by filtering out the respective one using the various options available.


To create a new ECO stage the user can select the create option and in the window describe the name, type and enable the various options available. Moreover, required approval to pass this order can be allocated.


ECO Types
The engineering change order types are described in the ECO types menu accessible from the configuration tab. 


To create a new one provide the name of the type and email domain for the type can be described.


Creating a new Engineering change order
As the EOC types are being described the user can create new orders directly from the overview platform.


In the order creation window, the user can initially provide a summary, allocate the type, define applicability, assign a responsible person, describe the effectiveness, describe the product and the tags allocated. Moreover, note on the order, approval required and the extra info allocated can be described..


Once the order is described the user can select on the start a new revision option to run the order. Now the user can allocate the documents to the PLM operations on the order by selecting the upload documents option available. Assign the documents from the system and upload them to the platform.  


Read the previous version blog Product Life Cycle Management in Odoo 13

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