Report Action in Odoo 13 – CBMS Odoo ERP

Report Action in Odoo 13 – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Report actions (ir. are the actions which trigger the printing actions of a report. By using different fields one can represent the type, name, paper format, etc of the report. Field ‘report_type’ represents the type of the report whether it is a PDF report (qweb-pdf) or HTML report (qweb-html).

Attributes used in Report Action:
– name : Name of the report will be display on views
– model : Model liked to the report
– report_type : type of report to print qweb-pdf or qweb-html
– report_name : name of the report pdf
– groups_id : groups allows to print report
– paperformat_id : paper format liked to the report which paper formatted used to the report
– attachment_use : if true then report will be generated first time then after re-print from the storage
– attachment : python expression that define the name of the report. file : id of the report xml view like module_name.sale_report_template

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