Rules & Routes in Odoo 16 Inventory Module | Odoo 16 Enterprise Edition | Odoo 16 Functional Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

Rules & Routes in Odoo 16 Inventory Module | Odoo 16 Enterprise Edition | Odoo 16 Functional Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

The routes defined on a product will help you to understand and track each movement of the product. It is the track or path of operations used for inventory movements. #odoo16

Without a proper strategy, it is difficult to monitor and manage the inventory movements in a company. Based on your company policies, you can set certain rules of operation to define the product movements in inventory.

Using these rules, Odoo will allow you to configure different routes of operations for the products. This will ensure proper inventory management within your company. #odooenterprise

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9 Comments on Rules & Routes in Odoo 16 Inventory Module | Odoo 16 Enterprise Edition | Odoo 16 Functional Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

  1. avatar
    @markjumpitguertin1806 says:

    It would be good to see a more real-world example. No one is going to send things across multiple warehouses like that to fulfill an order. It would be more helpful to see something with 3 warehouses, 1 is a "supply" warehouse, the other 2 need to pull product from the supply warehouse. Also do these work for procurement using min/max rules with the scheduler? Would love to see this work with transfers + purchase orders … i.e. if a product is in the supply warehouse send it, otherwise order it directly to the warehouse that needs it.

  2. avatar
    @mahdiaknan1987 says:

    Why when you created rule 3, which makes WHB pull from WHC, you specified the supply method "take from stock" without triggering the buy route if no stock is in WHC.. so how the buy route will be triggered automatically?

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