Subscription Basics | Odoo Subscriptions – CBMS Odoo ERP

Subscription Basics | Odoo Subscriptions – CBMS Odoo ERP

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In this video, learn how to set up and use subscriptions in Odoo.

*Other lessons related to this video:* 

Invoice and Renew Subscriptions

Upsell Subscriptions

*Need more information about Odoo Subscriptions? *

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#Subscription #Basics #Odoo #Subscriptions

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  1. avatar
    @appti5284 says:

    Nice, but it works a little differently in v16.3. Can you create a new video version that covers the changes in this update?

    Additionally, could you please guide me on how to subscribe to a product, such as a monthly razor?"

  2. avatar
    @daniels1982 says:

    Hi! How to select in the recurring service/product what kinf of document it will create: a sales ticket (called "boleta" in Chile) or a regular invoice (called factura in Chile) Thanks

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