The customer address in Odoo serves several important purposes within the software’s functionalities: Identifying and Contacting Customers: The primary function is to establish the location and contact details of a customer. This includes information like street address, city, state, zip code, and phone number. With this information, Odoo facilitates various actions, like: Sending quotations, sales […]
People and businesses often use separate addresses for billing (invoicing) and shipping (delivery) purposes. With the Odoo Sales app, contacts can have different specified addresses for delivery and invoicing. #odooenterprise Go to Invoicing ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and scroll down to the Customer Invoices section. Then, check the box next to Customer Addresses, and click Save.Configure the contact form Please navigate Please navigate […]
With Odoo Sales, you can configure different addresses for delivery and invoicing. For some customers, it will be very practical to define specific billing and shipping addresses. Indeed, not everyone will have the same delivery location as the invoicing location. #odoo15sales To activate the feature Go to Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the […]