A bill control policy is a guideline that determines when and how a vendor is billed for goods or services. It is commonly used in the context of purchase orders, where it dictates the timing and quantity basis for creating invoices. #odoo17 #odoopurchase #odoofunctionalvideos There are typically two main options for bill control policies: Ordered […]
A consumable is a physical product that is treated like a stockable product, with the exception that stock management is not taken into account by the system. You could buy it, deliver it, or produce it, but OpenERP will always assume that there is enough of it in stock. It never triggers a procurement exception. […]
Storable products are subject to the full stock management system (minimum stock rules, automatic procurement, etc.). Examples can be (depending on your industry) hard disks, assembled computers, cars, etc. #odoo17 #odootutorials We have to maintain stock of these products; these products are the raw materials of our product or the products that we sell or […]
This video explains Product management in Odoo 17. You will have an effective platform to configure new products into the system with the Odoo ERP system. Adding products to the Inventory, Sales, and Purchase module is simple using the’ Products’ menu in the main menu bar. All of the module’s products will be displayed in […]