How to Create an App Using Odoo 17 Studio | Customize App Using Odoo 17 Studio | Odoo 17 Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 17 Studio empowers you to transform your business needs into custom applications without extensive coding knowledge. This guide unlocks the potential of Studio, taking you through the exciting process of creating your app in Odoo 17. Getting Started: Activate Studio: Within your Odoo 17 instance, navigate to the top right corner and click the […]

How to Add New States to an Existing State Field in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo 17, states play a pivotal role in indicating the different stages or statuses that records can undergo within the system. These states are commonly represented as selection fields in Odoo models, allowing users to easily discern the current status of a record. To append new states without altering the existing ones, the selection_add […]